Tom Schulte

I’ve been most impressed with Berbay’s ability to take very complicated, raw ideas and turn them into understandable finished products. Berbay continually seeks ways to get RBZ into the public eye. Tom Schulte, CPA, Former Managing Partner RBZ Accountants & Business Consultants


“The team at Berbay took the time to understand our practice and quickly and effectively increased our visibility within key markets. I often receive phone calls from competitors complimenting us on the high exposure we’re receiving – and it’s largely due to Berbay’s efforts.” EDWIN F. FEO, MANAGING PARTNER, USRG RENEWABLE FINANCE

Daniel Oschin

The opportunities you’ve brought us, like the articles in Real Estate So Cal and California Real Estate Journal, are terrific, as are the opportunities to speak at industry conferences. Both have given us great exposure and are very useful as marketing tools. We very much appreciate your hard work. Daniel Oschin, Former Executive Vice President/Director, […]