While shopping at one of my favorite stores recently, I received an unexpected reminder about the value of presentation when it comes to marketing. To promote their new line of fall shoes, a particular brand was offering special packaging. It may not have been reusable or particularly functional, but it was memorable – the packaging made the shoes themselves more attention-grabbing and unique. As she handed the package to me, the saleswoman remarked, “It’s all in the presentation!”
We all know this, yet I appreciate being reminded. This statement is only too true, regardless of what you’re trying to market.
For example, this reminded me of a particular individual who is gifted at generating leads but frequently fails to close deals. A colleague remarked to me, off the record, that this person’s physical presentation does little to engender trust or confidence in a potential client. Just as how special seasonal packaging can help elevate a pair of shoes, professionals looking to market themselves more effectively would do well to start with their personal merchandising: The way they dress, the way they speak, their overall presence. The aim is to promote visibility and credibility, not just through conventional marketing tactics, but through every facet of the individual’s professional existence.
So much of buying a professional service has to do with trusting the professional you’re working with that it’s essential to remember that, as with any other product or service, “it’s all in the presentation.” Excellent packaging can go a long way toward encouraging people to open up that package and see what’s really inside.