How To Be Your Own Marketing Firm – Megan Braverman Presents to ProVisors Valley Lawyers Affinity Group

Successful lawyers know that to grow their practice, they have to be their own marketing and business development advocate. This doesn’t mean you have to invest in a professional marketing and PR firm—YOU can be your own, and reap the benefits of increased visibility and credibility. Berbay Principal Megan Braverman spoke to the ProVisors Valley […]
Berbay Again Recognized on Los Angeles Business Journal’s Top PR Firms List for 2021

Los Angeles Business Journal has once again ranked Berbay Marketing & PR among the top public relations firms in Los Angeles County. This is Berbay’s third consecutive year on the list. “We are honored to be recognized among the leading public relations firms in Los Angeles,” said Principal Megan Braverman. “This is a testament to our […]
June 2021: Want High-Profile Media Coverage? Here’s How to Break Through the Clutter.

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Megan Braverman Featured on Esquire University Podcast Discussing PR Strategies for Law Firms

How can law firms raise their visibility and credibility? Principal Megan Braverman shares strategies for obtaining media coverage, awards and rankings, speaking engagements and more on the Esquire University Podcast.
See You There! 28th Annual Marketing Partner Forum; Berbay Again Sponsors

For the ninth consecutive year, Berbay Marketing & PR is sponsoring Marketing Partner Forum (MPF) to support education and networking opportunities for legal professionals. MPF offers a series of workshops, breakouts, keynotes and panels designed for client development partners, rainmakers and the senior legal marketing professionals. This year’s forum builds upon the mythos of the […]
May 2021: How Should You Spend Your Marketing Dollars?

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Leveraging Media Coverage for Your Firm’s Marketing Efforts – Principal Megan Braverman Presents to Legal Marketing Association Midwest Chapter

Seeing your firm or an attorney’s name in the media is a great feeling. You are creating visibility, building marketing momentum and getting that coveted third-party credibility you’ve been working toward. But the moment is fleeting. Now what? Before you set your sights on the next opportunity, a lot can be done with a placement […]
April 2021: Scared of Online Reviews? 😲 Don’t Be. Here’s Why You Need Them.
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Are You Prepared for Chambers Season?

Webinar “Are You Prepared for Chambers Season?,” Principal Megan Braverman shares her insights on how to improve your chances of getting ranked by Chambers & Partners. WATCH
What School Doesn’t Teach You – Principal Megan Braverman Presents to Her Alma Mater University of Dayton

“What school doesn’t teach you and how you land the job of your dreams” is what Principal Megan Braverman presented to graduating senior students in the marketing department at the University of Dayton, Megan’s alma mater. One student even won a paid project with Berbay for answering an on-the-spot question, what was one unique thing […]