“Shining a Spotlight on Your Firm Through Social Media” at LMA West Region’s SoCal August Roundtable

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Account Manager Aly Crea facilitated the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) West Region’s SoCal August Roundtable “Shining a Spotlight on Your Firm Through Social Media,” which explored what law firms can do to leverage social media networks to attract followers, share content and implement strategies that drive brand awareness. Attendees shared best practices for incorporating social […]

“Harnessing the Power of Social Media” at The Exchange LA

Social media has become an inescapable form of communication that’s not going anywhere any time soon. Principal Megan Braverman presented “Harnessing the Power of Social Media” at The Exchange Los Angeles Westside and Century City Collaborative meeting on July 13, 2018. Megan shared important do’s and don’ts of social media marketing and how to establish […]

Tune In! Berbay Launches Law Firm Marketing Catalyst Podcast

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Berbay launched the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast to provide in-depth information on marketing topics such as: business development tips, strategies to fuel revenue growth, latest trends in legal marketing and much more. Listen in each week as Managing Principal Sharon Berman interviews forward-thinking lawyers, law firm management and legal marketers who bring fresh perspectives […]

Branding and Marketing Your Law Firm at the OCBA Solo Practitioner/Small Firm Section Meeting

Managing Principal Sharon Berman presented “Branding and Marketing Your Law Firm” at the Orange County Bar Association’s Solo Practitioner/Small Firm Section June Meeting alongside Kevin Brown of The Specialists in Law Firm Marketing. The presentation examined how the practice of law is also a business and why branding is important to increase a firm’s profile […]

Berbay Presents the 2018 Legal Sales & Service Awards at LSSO’s RainDance Conference

The Legal Sales and Service Organization (LSSO) and Berbay Marketing & Public Relations announced the winners of the 2018 Sales & Service Awards, which recognize sales, business development and marketing professionals who spearheaded initiatives contributing to law firm revenue growth in 2017.   The winners include: Sales & Service Executive of the Year: Kristen Leis, […]

Berbay Marketing & Public Relations Annual Scholarship Accepting Applications!

For the fourth consecutive year, Berbay Marketing & Public Relations will award a $1,000 scholarship to a student pursuing a career in marketing and public relations. Applicants must be enrolled in a four-year accredited college or university and submit a 1,000-word essay to esther@berbay.com by August 1, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. PT. Winners will be […]