COVID-19 News Overload? 3 Reasons Why “Soft News” Still Matters

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With COVID-19 dominating news headlines, publicists and marketing teams are feeling the pressure to get attention on other timely, relevant news that would normally pique any journalists’ interest. While it may be considered “soft news” in this current climate, there are many topics still vitally important and, in fact, may be what news consumers are […]

Four Tips to Retaining & Sustaining Your Team’s Motivation During COVID-19

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It’s no surprise the novel COVID-19 pandemic is upending the lives of employees who are struggling to focus and stay engaged at work as fears of becoming unemployed or ill loom. As partners grapple with staff changes, juggling client and colleagues’ expectations and adjusting to a new work environment, now more than ever, they’ll need […]

5 Ways to Successfully Manage Remote Staff

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Managing your staff in the office or remotely can and should look very similar; however, there are unique challenges to virtual work. Understanding this and adjusting your management approach will be the difference between a productive, seamless transition, and one that potentially costs you business. Ensure a proper workspace setup You want your employees to […]

Seeing ROI Takes Time, But Law Firm Public Relations Is Still Worthwhile

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It would make things much easier for Berbay and our clients if we could say, “You’ll see a return on your PR investment in two months.” But when it comes to public relations for lawyers, determining ROI isn’t an exact science. PR isn’t like advertising where you can see the money you’ve spent right in […]

Blog/Podcast: Conquer Writer’s Block with the 21-Minute Method

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Writer’s block: we’ve all experienced it, usually when we have a deadline looming. Although writer’s block can feel all-consuming, you don’t have to be at its mercy. You can train yourself to write concisely and efficiently, even when it feels like writing won’t come naturally. Gary Kinder, a New York Times bestselling author, teacher and […]

6 Ways to Influence Behavior and Drive the Results You Want

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Behavioral science is fascinating to read and learn about, and can be useful in creating impactful messaging that drives the results you desire. Without understanding the core scientific drivers of human decision-making and behavior to develop messaging that cuts through mental clutter, there is often an unintended audience experience that doesn’t resonate or, worse, backfires. […]

Blog/Podcast: Building a Successful Law Firm—Without an Office

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Rent is one of the largest expenses for law firms, sometimes taking up as much as 10 percent of their gross revenue. Too, it’s not uncommon for workers in large cities to have hour-plus commutes to their offices. The majority of today’s clients are more interested in efficiency and reasonable prices than how glamorous their […]

Six Techniques to Boost Creativity at Your Firm

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Artists, musicians, designers: these are the people we think of as creative. But numerous studies have shown that everyone has the capacity for creativity—and whether we have a “creative” job or not, creativity is the key to solving problems and innovating at work. A study in European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology even found […]

What Exactly Does a Public Relations Professional Do?

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Do you know how you stack up against PR professionals around the world? How do you as an individual or a boutique firm compare? And what exactly is it that you do? With the broad range of functions that often fall under or get lumped in with public relations, there hasn’t been an easy way […]