Threats to the Media Ecosystem: Recap of Cision’s 11th Annual State of the Media Webinar

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The media landscape continues to rapidly evolve and 2020 is no exception. In fact, the global pandemic has caused drastic changes to the media landscape. Media software company, Cision, surveyed more than 3,000 journalists to discuss the fluid media ecosystem, the relationship between publicists and journalists, and COVID-19’s impact on all of this. Below are […]

Got Time on Your Hands? Your Marketing Could Use Some Love

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If you find yourself with a little more time on your hands, now is the perfect opportunity to revive your marketing and business development efforts by getting back to the basics. From refreshing your social media profiles and legal directories to taking inventory of your website, there are several ways to get started. Here are […]

How COVID Changed Consumer’s Needs

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The Covid-19 pandemic has not only changed the way we interact and work, but it has also affected the way we communicate with consumers. By taking a closer look at consumers’ preferred ways of communication during times of crisis, we can update our methods to meet their needs.

COVID Dominating Media: Four Ways to Make Your Pitches Stand Out

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As the coronavirus continues to dominate media headlines week after week, it’s no surprise non-COVID topics are either being ignored or getting lost in the shuffle. Here are four ways to make your pitches stand out amidst the chaos. Strong Spokesperson – Every pitch should have a designated spokesperson who can offer insightful expertise on […]

Four Ways to Refresh Your Newsletter

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An IDC Research study revealed that 80% of smartphone users check their phones within 15 minutes of waking up. With hundreds of companies flooding inboxes by 9 a.m., it’s no surprise people delete and repeat as part of their morning routine. To keep your target audience from missing your important message, here are some tips on how to […]

Five Software Programs to Use During COVID-19

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When working remotely, you can’t afford to have projects slip through the cracks due to faults in communication. In order to make everyone’s workday easier, we’ve gathered a list of our favorite cloud-based software programs that promote efficiency and productivity at little to no cost. Slack – Designed like a chatroom, this app allows colleagues […]

Managing Stress During a Pandemic

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Telecommuting is not a new practice, but many are teleworking full-time for the first time. Our daily routines are being upended, causing added stress and anxiety. While many Americans enter their fifth, sixth or seventh week of stay-at-home orders, everyone is feeling the strain of having to adjust to this new, uncertain reality in a […]

Leveraging Technology to Meet Your Marketing Needs During COVID-19

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Technology plays a vital role in our everyday lives and has vastly improved the way we communicate to friends, family, and colleagues alike. During these unprecedented times, technology has played an even greater role, including using it for marketing efforts. While a pandemic has certainly ceased much of our normal lives, below are four ways […]

Don’t Get Lost in the Lingo: PR Terms Defined & Why They Matter

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Public Relations, like most industries, is guilty of using its own jargon and acronyms. While some of these terms may be obvious, (PR is short for Public Relations) others may be less clear. If you’re working with a public relations or marketing professional, it’s helpful to understand what they mean if they happen to slide […]