Available Now: “Transitioning From Service Partner to Rainmaker” Webinar

More than 60 professionals tuned in to our most recent webinar, “Transitioning From Service Partner to Rainmaker,” demonstrating how high a priority it is. We had several requests for the recorded webinar and slides audio, which you can find at the link below. If you want to create your own spotlight, then listen to this […]

Berbay Presence at CAOC 51st Annual Convention

Berbay Marketing & PR will exhibit at the Consumer Attorneys of California (CAOC) 51st Annual Convention taking place November 8-11, 2012 in San Francisco. The convention will offer unparalleled legal education for attorneys and attendees can receive up to 17 MCLE credits. Keynote speakers include Kamala D. Harris, California Attorney General, and Browne Greene and […]

Accelerate Your Marketing –The Recorder

By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder

As humans, we need to break down time into manageable chunks and create milestones that give us a chance to reinvigorate ourselves and start afresh. January 1 tops the list of these “blank slate” benchmarks. For professionals this can also mean creating a new annual marketing plan.

Complimentary Webinar: Moving From Service Partner to Rainmaker

Are you a well-respected service partner living in the shadow of a rainmaker?  Do you want to originate more business on your own? If you want to create your own spotlight, then join me for this complimentary webinar:  “Moving from Service Partner to Rainmaker.” We’ll discuss: How to gain buy-in and support from the current […]

Professional Organizations Offer More Than Membership

Professionals join organizations in order to exchange business with others but often miss an opportunity to let their member-peers know what they do.  This overlooked opportunity is your online member profile.  Some organizations offer members the chance not only to post their contact information but also to post links to their company website, blog, articles, […]


Fidelity Investments recently made changes to its embarrassingly outdated SIMPLE retirement plan website.  Its goal was to make the SIMPLE site, well, simple to use.  Unfortunately, that’s not quite what happened. By way of background, SIMPLE plans are retirement plans for smaller businesses. They are designed to be easy to use.  For years, SIMPLE customers […]

10 Mistakes Exhibitors Make

Erica Hess e1330993064243

Skyline Exhibits recently hosted a webinar discussing the “10 Mistakes Exhibitors Make.”  Many of the points seemed obvious, but preparing for a large tradeshow can be overwhelming, especially if you have a small team.  It’s important to take a moment to map out a strategy and identify who is responsible for what tasks to ensure […]

How to Be an Effective Panelist Published: The Recorder

By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder

Two years ago, I attended a professionals’ signature event that featured a panel of sophisticated experts including lawyers. While the event was well-attended, and offered good networking, the panel presentation itself was a wasted business development opportunity for each member. You could not hear the panelists, not so much because of the less than desirable audio quality, but because each person seemed to be talking to himself. The PowerPoint slides were packed with practically illegible graphs.

Networking 102

There are networking basics that any seasoned professional should know and abide by – always have plenty of business cards, wear your name tag on the right shoulder to align with your handshake, ask open-ended questions to other networkers, etc. – but a few others jumped out at me at a summer social event I […]

Updating LinkedIn and YouTube Company Usernames

You may think that updating a company/username on LinkedIn and YouTube is as easy as finding an available name, but it’s not. The following are steps for updating profiles with a new company name: LinkedIn: If your company or firm name has changed and you want to update this in your LinkedIn profile, you can […]