Berbay Presence at CAOC 51st Annual Convention

Berbay Marketing & PR will exhibit at the Consumer Attorneys of California (CAOC) 51st Annual Convention taking place November 8-11, 2012 in San Francisco. The convention will offer unparalleled legal education for attorneys and attendees can receive up to 17 MCLE credits. Keynote speakers include Kamala D. Harris, California Attorney General, and Browne Greene and […]

Available Now: "Law Firm Administrators as Marketing Champions" Webinar

Several professionals participated in our most recent webinar, “Law Firm Administrators as Marketing Champions: What You Can Do to Ignite Your Firm’s Marketing.” If you missed it, please find the recorded audio and slides at the link below. Presented by Principal Sharon Berman and Senior Account Manager Beth Miller, we discussed how to be a […]

Happy Halloween from Berbay!

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In honor of Halloween, the Berbay team put their creative skills to work and carved some great looking pumpkins!

The Essential Elements of a QR Code Campaign

QR codes have been popping up everywhere – those black and white pixelated images found on anything from advertisements to actual products.  At the Legal Marketing Association’s (LMA) Continuing Marketing Education conference, Jeff Gottschalk, CEO of GottyCode, addressed a few essential elements when incorporating a QR code campaign into your marketing, including: Ensure that your […]

How to Develop and Maintain a Successful Business Relationship with In-House Counsel

On October 9th, I attended a Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association (LAIPLA) panel discussion sharing insights on the challenges of and strategies for developing and maintaining successful business relationships with in-house counsel.  The panelists included: Georgann Grunebach, Fox Group Legal, Vice President of Intellectual Property, and Jilana Miller, Senior Legal Counsel, Epson America Inc.  […]

File That Under Old-Fashioned

I received a call from one of our vendors – a messenger service company – to touch base as we had not worked with them for quite some time.  I explained that they were still our number one choice for messenger services, but we just haven’t had the need. I was pleasantly surprised when I […]

Flying High with Customer Service

With summer vacations wrapping up and the holidays just around the corner, travel season seems to stretch year-round. Airlines are always competing to find new and better ways to advertise their lowest fares, and convenience is a major benefit of making flight reservations online. However, in the beginning of August, Southwest had an online sale […]