Beware of the Seven Deadly Marketing Mistakes

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For centuries, we have been warned to avoid the Seven Deadly Sins, transgressions fatal to spiritual progress. These sins have a counterpart in the professional world – the seven deadly marketing mistakes. Although these transgressions are not associated with specific gruesome punishments, there can be hell to pay in terms of missed opportunities and business […]

Effective Marketing Strategies in a Penny-Pinching Economy

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Back in 2008 as the world entered an economic downturn, many small firms and solo practitioners hunkered down for a tight economy. Fast forward to 2020 and we’ve entered another downturn. Making the most of your marketing dollars during difficult times is challenging; however, it’s the savvy firms that will remain committed. Firms that remain […]

Which Social Media Platform is Best for Law Firms?

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It’s easy to think that your firm must have a profile on every major social media platform to be successful, but the truth is, you don’t. Finding out where your target audience spends their time is the first step in establishing a presence and cultivating relationships with potential clients or referral sources. Each social media […]

What’s the Future of Marketing?

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It’s only natural to look ahead, especially in the marketing world. Planning, budgeting and making decisions on where your emphasis will be are all important aspects of determining what the future for your firm will look like. And with COVID challenging every aspect of what we do, there’s no doubt that the professional services marketing […]

Infographic: How to Create a Productive Work from Home Space

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COVID-19 has drastically changed the way we work. While some states have reopened,  many companies are still implementing work from home practices and some have extended them for the remainder of 2020. Here are six ways to set up a work from home space that will keep you productive during this challenging time. Read our […]

Can You Hear Me? Public Speaking Techniques for Video Conferencing

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Speaking in front of hundreds or even thousands of people can feel like a nightmare for many people. While stage fright is a real concern, delivering a speech via video conferencing can ease the feelings of nervousness that comes with presenting on an actual stage. Whether you’re giving a speech online or offline, we’ve outlined five standard “public speaking” techniques to remember: Eye […]

The Virtual Experience: Using Webinars In Lieu of In-Person Events

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We can all agree nothing beats face-to-face interaction and the chance to network with innovative individuals. While nothing can replace that, webinars have been proven as a viable tool to create and build new relationships for those self-quarantining. Here are four reasons why your firm should consider hosting webinars in lieu of in-person events in the near future. Cost-Effective – Webinars […]

Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze? Getting the Most Out of a Topic

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You are great at pushing out content. You have a regular flow of topics, you have time to plan and think creatively, and you are never left scrambling. What’s missing? One common mistake with great content producers is not leveraging a topic to its full potential; therefore, missing out on multiple opportunities that can be […]

How Agencies Are Embracing, Changing and Adjusting to COVID-19

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COVID-19 is the first global health emergency where technology has allowed companies and their employees to power through setbacks by adapting and immediately transitioning to a global work-from-home workforce. Nearly every industry has been impacted by the pandemic, including public relations, and while it is impressive to see many businesses continue to operate, it is important […]