10 Simple Rules for Your Firm’s Blog

The true marketing potential of blogs is often overlooked in favor of social media sites and search engine rankings. Yet blogs can be an invaluable tool to help you reach new clients and stay in front of current clients. Below are 10 simple rules to help strengthen your blog, drive web traffic and increase your […]

Working hard or hardly working?

The notion of “working hard” is a subjective one, and has changed over the last two generations to mean different things. “Working hard” used to mean putting in required time, usually long hours, week in and week out. Today, however, working smarter is more important than working longer. Working 12 hours a day doesn’t necessarily […]

Berbay Corp. Serves as 2013 Educational Ambassador Sponsor for LMA-Los Angeles

Berbay Marketing & PR will serve as a 2013 Educational Ambassador Sponsor for the Legal Marketing Association-Los Angeles Chapter (LMA-LA). As an Educational Ambassador Sponsor, Berbay will support the LMA-LA’s monthly programs and the Annual Los Angeles Continuing Legal Education Program. LMA-LA provides fundamental legal marketing strategies to industry professionals and is a chapter of […]

“What In-House Counsel Wants”

In October, I attended a Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association panel discussion that shared insights on the challenges of and strategies for developing and maintaining successful business relationships with in-house counsel. I attended a very similar panel in November, “What In-House Counsel Want” organized by the Jewish Federation. The distinguished panelists included:  David Burg, […]

Cutting Through Convention Crowds

At large marketing events and conventions, standing out from the crowd is no easy feat. In a recent case study by Marketingsherpa.com, one start-up exhibited a unique way of attracting attention. Here are the steps they took that resulted in increased lead generation and revenue for the company: The marketing team chose to align their […]

Common Exhibiting Mistakes

When exhibiting at a conference, it is important to plan ahead.  If not, there are a number of things that can go wrong the day of the conference. Oftentimes, the exhibitor information that is given to you prior to the conference is unclear about what you have actually purchased.  For example, just because you purchased […]

Sam-I-Am’s Sales Lessons in Green Eggs and Ham

Many of us have read Dr. Seuss’ infamous Green Eggs and Ham countless times throughout our childhood or have read the story to our own kids, but did you know that the book is more than a children’s story?  In fact, many companies have given this very book to their sales teams as lessons on […]

The Art of Follow Up

In B2B marketing, every project depends on a number of factors. Whether internal to your own firm or contingent on outside people, an entire project can easily get backlogged if you don’t know how to effectively follow up. There’s a fine line between being too pushy and not getting your point across, but when tight […]

Holding a Press Conference – The Recorder

By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder

We live in a digital age that allows us to work with individuals from around the world. Yet, despite technological advances that enable us to share information virtually, there is still a need for law firms to hold live press conferences. Such events are important because they allow you and your firm to gather journalists from an array of media outlets, who can then disseminate your message immediately to a broad audience.