Websites for the Mobile Generation
Your firm’s website is one of your most powerful marketing vehicles. Purchasers of your services will often visit your website prior to contacting you either to obtain additional information or to validate the competency of your firm. But what if that prospect can’t access your website or the information on it because it’s not mobile […]
“True But Useless” – Eloqui’s Wise Words to Professionals
I spent a half day at Deborah Shames and David Booth’s beautiful house in Calabasas for their Eloqui Business Communication Workshop. Co-founders of Eloqui, they are presentation and communication training specialists, helping professionals like myself communicate naturally and authentically. Whether you a preparing for a speaking engagement or want to better communicate your services to […]
Repositioning Your Bankruptcy Practice – Bankruptcy Law360
By: Sharon Berman
Published: Bankruptcy Law360
While the economy may have suffered over the past few years, these have been good years for bankruptcy and financial restructuring attorneys. More competitors have likely come out of the woodwork, but work has been plentiful and steady. However, the economy has grown healthier of late and, overall, business is on the upswing. Although some businesses will still run into trouble, bankruptcy work tends to slow in a marketplace such as this.
Reinvigorating Your Firm’s Marketing Materials
We were recently engaged by a client to revive their firm newsletter and client alerts to give them a more modern look and feel. They had been using the same marketing pieces for a couple of years, so we suggested that they refresh their materials to more accurately represent the caliber of the firm’s work. […]
The Key to a Successful Media Pitch? Know Your Audience
Pitching an article to media can be tricky. No matter how great your article may be, it will never get picked up if you don’t have a solid pitch to support it. And the key to a great pitch lies in knowing your audience. Here are some questions to ask yourself: Is my pitch relevant […]
Marketing Lessons From History – The Recorder
By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder
What do antiques have to do with law firm business development? Actually, there are many lessons to be learned when you walk one of the largest antique shows in the country, like the one I recently attended. While the visit fed my interest in all things antique, it also provided rich fodder for what works and what doesn’t when it comes to developing relationships that pave the way to new clients.
Who’s Reading This Anyway?
Do you spend a lot of time writing content for your blog and think no one is reading it? Do you have a LinkedIn profile and are convinced that no one is looking at it? According to a study referenced at the Legal Marketing Association’s Annual Conference, 67 percent of General Counsel use LinkedIn in […]
There’s an App for That!
I have noticed an influx in mobile applications that are increasingly useful for business purposes – whether it’s to keep you organized, exercise your brain or stay on top of trending stories. Startups and large companies are creating mobile applications to make the consumer experience even more user-friendly and accessible. One notable example is a […]
Watch Your Step: Size of Legal Malpractice Claims Increasing
Legal malpractice, or avoiding it, is a topic that is at the back of every attorney’s mind. I learned more about the subject at a recent Association of Business Trial Lawyers (ABTL) meeting. A panel, moderated by the Honorable Lee Smalley Edmon, LA Superior Court Judge, presented a program titled “Do You Have a Target […]
Is It Creative, or Is It Creepy?
Prior to attending the Legal Marketing Association’s Annual Conference in Las Vegas, I was bombarded with emails from exhibitors inviting me to stop by their booth. Super Lawyers®, a peer review rating system for lawyers, went one step further. When I stopped into my room for a quick break after lunch, they had left an […]