Marketing Your Billing Practices – The Recorder

By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder

Alternative fee arrangements (AFAs) are here to stay and offer firms an opportunity from a profitability, infrastructure and business development standpoint. By AFAs, I’m referring to a non-hourly billing arrangement; this does not include a discounted hourly rate, nor does it comprise contingency work. The level of talk, puzzlement and concern currently exceeds AFAs’ actual implementation, but interest keeps mounting and will only continue. While the financial aspect of AFAs is vital, using them to your marketing benefit as a point of differentiation is equally important.

Marketing Lessons from Krav Maga

I have been attending Krav Maga classes for almost two years and am frequently asked, “What is it?”. Krav Maga (Hebrew for “contact combat”) is a martial arts system developed in Israel that consists of boxing, jiu-jitsu, self-defense and many other tactical fighting techniques. The grading system is very similar to karate, where colored belts […]

GUEST BLOG: Why You Should Think Twice Before Skipping Your Class Reunion

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July — invitations for college and other fall school reunions are arriving. If you can attend your college reunion without great effort or expense, go. If it takes more effort or expense than is easily comfortable, you should at least think hard about going. Apart from the inherent pleasure of these events, there are several […]

Marketing to General Counsel: One Size Does Not Fit All!

When it comes to marketing to General Counsel, there is no magic approach. This was the message at a Legal Marketing Association’s Los Angeles Chapter lunch featuring a six-person, all-woman panel from corporations of varying sizes across a range of industries. The panel discussed strategies that work to grab and keep the attention of GC. […]

Complimentary Webinar “A Revolution in Revenue: Marketing Your Law Firm’s Pricing”

Berbay Marketing & PR Marketing & Public Relations Principal Sharon Berman will present a complimentary webinar, “A Revolution in Revenue: Marketing Your Law Firm’s Pricing,” on Tuesday, July 16 at 11:00 a.m. This 45-minute webinar will discuss the role of pricing and ways to structure and market your professional fees. The webinar will also address […]

Obtaining More Newsletter Opens

A lot of time, effort and hard work goes into developing a regularly scheduled firm e-newsletter, so it’s frustrating when only a small percentage of people actually open it. There are several actions you can take to increase your open rate. We’ve outlined some suggestions below: Timing. Based on studies as well as our own […]

Developing Relationships: A Case Study on Real Estate Public Relations

I attended an event hosted by the Urban Land Institute Los Angeles Chapter, where Brian League, Executive Director of Real Estate Development at USC, delivered a broad overview of the University of Southern California’s history of land use and development in downtown Los Angeles. He also discussed USC’s recent experience trying to gain approval of […]

Banding People Together

Earlier this month, I attended the spring conference of Counselors Academy, a section of the Public Relations Society of America for owners and principals of independently owned PR firms. The conference gives Counselors Academy members the opportunity to come together and share ideas about managing marketing and public relations agencies. The event as a whole […]

Giving Google What They Want

Trying to grasp the meaning of title tags, outbound links, algorithms, keywords and the countless factors that Google incorporates into its organic rankings can be a difficult and time consuming for non-Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts. Breaking down the concept behind all of these factors could take months to understand, but there are ways that […]

Localizing a Global Firm’s Marketing

I was in Austin, Texas, for the PRSA Counselors Academy Spring Conference and came across a great example of localizing a global firm’s marketing. Austin refers to itself as the “Food Truck Capital of the World”. Here in Los Angeles, food trucks are typically mobile. Down there, they’re stationary and usually clustered in small “parks”. There […]