Hiring a PR Agency in 2021 Guide

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The process for vetting a public relations firm and deciding if they are a fit is no easy task. It can be overwhelming with the vast amount of PR agencies all over the country, and especially for firms that have never hired an agency before, it’s daunting to figure out where to begin. Starting your […]

Planning in Uncertainty: Tips for Developing a 2021 Marketing Plan

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The business world – like everything else – has changed significantly in the last year. While we don’t know what the future holds, it’s critical to continue your firm’s PR and marketing efforts to increase visibility and bring in business. Before you apply the “we’ll take it day-by-day” approach that many businesses adopt, consider developing […]

Should Professional Service Firms Use TikTok?

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TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to create short-form videos for entertainment and educational purposes, and it is especially popular with millennials and Gen-Z audiences. Many professional service firms use the app to share information in a relatable, visual way. With over one billion active users, here is why law, real estate […]

5 Steps to Conduct a Social Media Audit

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Analyzing the success of your firm’s social media should be done on a regular basis. An in-depth audit will not only tell you how it’s performing, but what adjustments should be made to meet your key performance indicators. To help guide you through the process, here are the steps to conduct a social media audit. […]

Which Social Media Platform Should You Use for Advertising?

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For decades, traditional media has generated exposure for many businesses, but in a digital era, social media has taken the ad industry by storm. Here is a breakdown of the most effective social media advertising platforms and their respective benefits. Facebook ads: This is one of the largest social media sites with over 2.45 billion […]

What Kind of External Marketing Help Do You Need? The Options Broken Down

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Have you ever looked for external marketing support only to be overwhelmed by the available choices? Figuring out what you need and where to start is generally what creates the dilemma. Law firms understand the importance of marketing and business development, but often do not know much about how the various elements of the marketing […]

Don’t Let the Pandemic Ruin Your Company Culture

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It’s been months since we’ve seen our colleagues in-person or stepped inside our offices, and many firms don’t know when they will be able to return or have the made the decision to go virtual for good. But without the same energy and camaraderie that we once thrived off of working face-to-face, how do firms […]

Preparing for a Productive Virtual Meeting

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As the world continues to adjust to an ongoing pandemic, people have been forced to take their world virtual. Zoom and Facetime meetings are now the new normal, but come with a host of challenges. Below are tips to ensure a smooth virtual meeting. Test Internet Speed Internet usage has increased by nearly 50% since […]