Your Business: Tracking Leads – The Recorder

By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder

“Why should we track where our marketing leads comes from?” This question, posed by the managing partner of a successful boutique law firm, took me by surprise. When we talk with firms about whether or not they track the sources of their leads as well as actual business, they usually steer the conversation toward the challenges of the mechanics, not the valid, essential, and underlying question of why they should consider doing it.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Rankings & Nominations

With a flurry of lawyer rankings in the legal industry, how do you sift through the clutter and determine what’s most valuable for your firm to pursue? The truth is that you could spend your entire week seeking various nominations that in the end may not be beneficial for your firm. At the Legal Marketing […]

What Do General Counsel Need?

Positioning your firm as a desirable option for in-house counsel is a craft in its own right. Further, actually wrangling new business is a major milestone which can take several years. With nearly 70% of the legal work being moved in-house and paralegals handling the work at the level of a fourth-year associate, catching the […]

Feeding the Power of Focus: George Salmas, The Food Lawyer

We are pleased to have George Salmas, attorney and founder of the The Food Lawyers, as our guest blogger this week. With more than 25 years of experience representing the food industry, Mr. Salmas is their go-to guy. One of the most important steps you can take to market yourself successfully is to focus. The […]

The Perfect Law Firm Experience….Does it Exist?

In this ever-changing legal industry, is the perfect law firm an impossible dream? The answer is “no!” straight from the clients’ mouths at the Legal Marketing Association’s Annual Conference. Follow the tips below to mold the “perfect” firm for your clients that not only provides high level service, but differentiates you from your competition. – […]

The Future of Employment in Los Angeles

In the words of 29-year-old CEO Mark Zuckerberg, “To all of my friends who have younger siblings in high school or college, my number one piece of advice is: Learn how to program.” These words of wisdom coincide with the panel discussion at the “2014 Economic Forecast & Trends Breakfast Briefing” hosted by the Los […]

PR Pitching 101

If you are a public relations professional, then you already know the most important aspect of the job is the ability to pitch and place a story. Many public relations professionals will tell you the key to pitching is relationship-building or storytelling i.e., the way you wordsmith the pitch to create interest. Public Relations Society […]

Are You Undermining Your Brand?

Marketing and branding isn’t limited simply to those activities we do to keep our name in front of clients and prospects; everything we do as professionals should serve to strengthen and reinforce our brand. Could you be unintentionally undermining your brand through something as simple as the way you dress or your email address? It’s […]

Look Before You…Yelp

Yelp can be a great resource for finding and vetting new services and businesses, but it can also be treacherous for business owners. It’s all too easy for a consumer to go online and leave a bad review after one negative experience, without giving the establishment a chance to make things right first. My husband […]

The Biggest Marketing Mistake

Recently, a prospective client asked me a very valuable question: What is the biggest mistake that small firms typically make when it comes to marketing? The answer that came to me immediately is simple: Many small firms fail to fully realize the potential that online marketing – your website and social media vehicles – has […]