Are You Sharing Information at the Right Time?

With the flurry of social media platforms available, it can be a difficult and exhausting task to keep up. While scrolling through my LinkedIn feed, I came across a post highlighting the best times to share on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest. This reminded me of the many studies I’ve encountered, many of which […]

Billboards & The Desensitized Consumer

Driving to my office from the Westside Urban Forum event “Art and Billboards”, I couldn’t help but notice how many billboards I was surrounded by. In the less than one mile drive, I probably saw about 15 billboards for TV shows, movies, yoga, water and everything else under the sky. The Forum event featured panelists […]

Is it time for a rebrand? What you should consider first…

Your firm’s brand is what clients, prospects and peers remember you by. It’s the mental image that comes to mind at the first mention of your name or the firm name. As years go by, your company evolves and so does your brand. So when does rebranding make sense? There are a few key elements […]

Pricing to Sell – The Recorder

By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder

Pricing is an integral component of marketing, but only recently have law firms begun to realize its vital role in marketing and business development. Setting and getting your professional fees encompasses a range of qualitative and quantitative factors all of which have never been under such scrutiny. Consequently, in today’s economic environment, lawyers find themselves in an uncomfortable and unfamiliar position when they discuss and work out these all-important fee agreements.

What Happens in Vegas, Doesn’t Have to Stay in Vegas

The well-known phrase “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” generally pertains to the behavior that visitors exhibit during their stay, but does the slogan hold true to customer service on the strip? I would have to say no. My husband and I were in Vegas recently, and on a whim I decided to pop […]

Marketing Your Practice as a High-End Product – The Recorder

By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder

Some of the world’s most famous jewelry designers did not mark their products with their names. Tiffany did not invent the “Tiffany” setting, the ubiquitous prong-set diamond engagement ring. And how do you really know if the Art Deco piece you sprang for is actually Art Deco or a knock-off from Thailand? Even more importantly, how does this pertain to your marketing?

Connecting with Key Clients: How to Go That Extra Mile

All clients are important, but some clients can be termed “key,” whether due to the amount of business they bring in or have access to, or simply because of the length of the professional relationship. These are clients who warrant more focus from their professional services provider. But what form should that attention take? Recently, […]

What Does Your LinkedIn Profile Say About You?

In the professional world, LinkedIn serves as a multi-purpose social media platform. It allows others to see your background, experience, credentials, network, even your physical appearance – basically, it’s your entire online footprint rolled into one. It is what others use to find out who you are and what you do. Therefore, taking control of […]

The Pitfalls of Bareback Marketing – The Recorder

By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder

Even if you’ve never ridden a horse bareback, you can imagine it is rougher than riding a horse with a saddle. It’s much the same when professionals do their marketing bareback, which makes it so much more difficult than it needs to be and severely limits the benefits.