Looking for Marketing Mojo Outside the Legal Industry – The Recorder

Published: The Recorder
By: Sharon Berman

What do best practices have to do with weak ties, and what do these theories have to do with law firm marketing?

These questions were on my mind recently when I attended several conferences that seemingly had nothing to do with legal marketing, but everything to do to with obtaining a fresh perspective and looking at best practices. It is stimulating to compare and contrast what other markets are doing to see what you can borrow from them in order to keep your own marketing invigorated.

Give Me Five

It’s safe to say most professionals believe that email is taking over their life, and it’s not uncommon to spend the better part of an hour crafting the best, most streamlined message possible. We’re all big fans of keeping emails short and sweet, yet productive, so imagine my delight when I came across a simple […]

General Counsel Confidential: Telling It Like You’ve Never Heard It Before

A panel of general counsel talking about their likes and dislikes is a big draw, but, if you’ve listened to several of them, you’ve probably found that one panel’s responses do not differ much from the others. However, because of its innovative format, the General Counsel session at the Legal Sales & Service Organization’s annual […]

I Like Walks on the Beach and Sunsets

In essence, lawyers woo clients, prospects and referral sources. At the recent Avvo Lawyernomics Conference, Avvo CEO Mark Britton gave this new meaning by drawing the parallel between lawyers marketing online and online dating. He emphasized the tremendous role likeability plays in each. Avvo is a lawyer directory and rating site chock-full of legal advice […]

Adapting Your Marketing Approach: What Lawyers Need to Know

At the recent Avvo Lawyernomics Conference in Las Vegas, I had a chance to catch up with personal injury attorney Barry Goldberg, who I met more than ten years ago. Barry has a flourishing practice because in addition to decades of legal experience, he practices malleable marketing, adapting his business development tactics to an ever-changing […]

The Future of Law Firm Websites: Social Media

The New York Times lost 80 million homepage visitors in just two years. That’s half of the traffic to the nytimes.com website. This statistic, reported by Above the Law, says a lot about the evolution of the homepage and what this means for law firm websites. More prospects and clients are browsing websites as a […]

Easy on the Marketing Jargon

I can’t help but take note of the rise in marketing jargon that has become more meaningless rather than providing clarity and conveying a specific message. How many times have you heard someone say they have a “proven track record” or that they are “top quality” – or even “world class”? What does a proven […]

Extra, Extra! Read All About It!

In an overly cluttered marketplace, it has become increasingly more challenging to gain people’s attention, whether it’s that of a prospect or your colleagues. Be it a newsletter, firm brochure or website copy, it’s time to go back to the basics to determine what draws people to a story or at least catches their eye. […]

Turning Bad Yelp Reviews Into…Advertising Campaigns?

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” Wise words. This is exactly what Longman & Eagle – a restaurant in Chicago – did with what most people would believe is a reputation-hurting one-star Yelp review: “OK. First things first! It’s dark, gloomy and noisy. Who wants to eat in that kind of atmosphere? Second. Who […]