The Buzz: Video Marketing for Law Firms, Professional Services

Videos are all the rage when it comes to marketing for professional services. Videos greatly aid a company’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts and can give potential clients or referral sources a glimpse into a company’s culture. Gone are the days when law firms or commercial real estate firms had to rely solely on paragraphs […]

Tame the Marketing Beast Before it Devours You – The Recorder

By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder

Universal Studios is home to a ride where the 3-D effects make the rider believe a wild dinosaur or monster robot is about to devour him. This is the same way many professionals feel about marketing today—that it’s a voracious, many-headed monster that seems impossible to control and tame.

In the not too distant past, this marketing beast seemed manageable. Social media was but a glimmer in a teenager’s eye. Cell phones were for phone calls.

Remember: Follow Up

With everyone’s busy schedule, it is easy to forget about the small steps that really count when it comes to client relationships. One crucial mistake professionals sometimes make is forgetting to send follow-up emails to prospective clients, employers or even past clients. Following up demonstrates that you truly care about the relationship and shows how […]

Top 5 Marketing Apps for Legal Professionals

Everyone is on their mobile devices these days. So we’ve prepared a list of downloadable apps, or applications that real estate, financial and legal professionals might want to explore — not only to make your life a little easier (i.e. multitasking, managing time efficiently and staying organized), but also to keep you on the forefront […]

5 LinkedIn Tips for Lawyers and Law Firms

Most professionals view LinkedIn as a platform for connecting with people they’ve met or with whom they’ve done business. Imagine LinkedIn’s potential if used to the same degree and with the same regularity as other social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook. For lawyers, the possibilities could be endless. Instead of shying away from adding […]

Keeping Your Marketing Efforts Current – The Recorder

Published: The Recorder
By: Sharon Berman

Changes in what is effective in marketing seem to happen today at the speed of light. Some concepts and vehicles, like Twitter, were in their infancy just a few years ago but have taken hold and are now pervasive. Others, à la MySpace, burned brightly but are now obsolete. This progression shows how once-effective marketing tools can evolve, while others essentially disappear

Facebook favors truthful posts over “clickbaiting”

A truth of modern life is that when you post something on Facebook, you want readers to click on it. However, there are different ways to go about achieving this goal, and Facebook itself is trying to block posters who are sneaky about it. The social networking platform recently announced that it would crack down […]

Public Relations Firm Implements ‘Fall Fridays’ to Enhance Employee Well-Being

In addition to delivering creative and effective marketing and public relations programs for clients, we also take great pride in bringing the same level of commitment and innovation to the well-being of our employees. Therefore, in balancing the deadline-driven world of marketing and PR with the importance of maintaining individual health and wellness, we are […]

Logo Logistics and Logic: When developing a new logo, less is more

A logo is a clear, simple evocation of what you do and how well you do it. When it works, the logo gives everyone who sees it an exact idea about your brand. But most successful logos are more difficult to create than the end result suggests. Sometimes it’s that the person creating the logo […]

Generate business during the busy times

If your phone is ringing and ringing, bringing in business with every call, you can count yourself lucky. But don’t count on the phone ringing without end. Because it could stop for reasons out of your control, for example, from recession or an unexpected shift in client preferences. If you are an attorney in trial […]