The Future as Seen by Facebook

Whether you think of Facebook as a brilliant business play or an evil social monolith attempting to control us all, you can count on one thing: From now on, some business posts won’t be going viral. Facebook has announced it will no longer allow the practice of “organic reach” for notices that look too much […]

The World of Real Estate Investment Is Changing

In the old days (two years ago), a developer or real estate syndicator conceived a big project and then networked with friends and associates to garner investors. It all happened behind the scenes because of laws passed in the aftermath of the Great Depression that restricted how private companies solicited investments. The result was to […]

Extending the Shelf Life of Your Webinar

Professionals often ask us whether a webinar is worth the time they will put into it. The answer is YES, with a caveat. That is, if you just present the webinar and don’t engage in any pre- or post-marketing, you are losing a lot of the value. A key purpose of the webinar is the […]

Doing Business Outside the United States

When doing business in the United States, professionals often have short attention spans. They want to close the business deal not long after they’ve pitched their services. It can be a very fast-paced environment where if professionals don’t receive the outcome they want instantaneously, they will move on to the next target. Developing business in […]

Avoid the Vortex of the Marketing Death Spiral

Lately, we have encountered some firms that are in a marketing death spiral – a state we all want to avoid. A marketing death spiral starts its fatal course like this: A firm first decides that it is going to cut back on its marketing budget, most often because the company has experienced a dip […]

Competitive Intelligence: Thinking Outside the Box

Competitive Intelligence (CI) is a term that has become very familiar in the law firm industry over the past few years, but it is still “arriving” in many senses. According to a recent study conducted by ClientsFirst Consulting, LLC, law firms say CI is a focus, but not necessarily a priority, and while some small […]

New Insights from General Counsel

It’s no secret that General Counsel are becoming more elusive. In a world of creative fee arrangements and more companies bringing work in-house, it’s always helpful to be ahead of the game in terms of knowing what GCs are looking for today. Below are a few snippets from the annual Legal Marketing Association’s Technology Conference, […]

Why Your Firm Needs Social Media Now – The Recorder

By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder

How much business will your firm lose in 2015 if you do not consistently incorporate blogs and other social media outlets—LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+—into your marketing program? This question was on my mind after several discussions with successful small firms with a business clientele that were considering how to work social media into their business development initiatives, if at all.

LinkedIn, the New Amazon?

LinkedIn has ebbed and flowed in terms of utility throughout the year. Looking forward to 2015, we believe its value is here to stay. According to a survey of General Counsel, 97 percent said they’ve used social media to vet outside counsel and 25 percent said they’ve gained a negative outlook on an attorney when […]

Talk About Timing

In the professional services industry – law, real estate, finance, etc. – timing can be everything. I received a call from a website vendor that we used several weeks earlier to enhance our firm’s mobile website. He reminded me that we had used their firm before, and he was just checking in to see if […]