Holiday Season Is Coming Up – So, Do I Send a Card or Not?

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I can’t believe it’s only September and we’re already talking about holiday cards, but since more than a handful of colleagues and clients recently asked me if they should send a holiday card, I thought I’d blog about it. Beginning around Thanksgiving time through the end of the year, many of us receive numerous holiday […]

8 Keys to Riding the Wave of Change

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Competition with peer firms, alternatives to law firms, emphasis on diversity, and more, are forcing legal marketers to evolve their thinking and the way that their law firms serve clients. The legal industry is constantly evolving – now more than ever – making it critical to peek around the corner at what’s changing and how […]

5 Steps to Executing a Successful Webinar Program

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Webinars can be a powerful marketing and lead generation tool – if they’re done right. Without ever leaving your office, you can:  Create visibility for your practice and your firm.   Establish yourself as a thought leader.   Get in front of clients and prospects.  Leverage the webinar presentation into articles, blogs and other marketing content.    Hosting […]

The State of Journalism and Media: The Results Are In!

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The media landscape is constantly evolving, and the pandemic sparked even more evolution. Muck Rack’s The State of Journalism and Cision’s Global State of the Media studies surveyed thousands of journalists across the globe to get a sense of what’s changed, including reporters’ biggest challenges and how PR pros can break through the clutter. Muck […]

Connecting the Silos: Cross-Marketing via Your Marketing & Public Relations Campaign

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You’ve heard this before: “Our attorneys work in silos. No matter how much we encourage collaboration, it doesn’t happen.” It’s true, getting attorneys to work together, collaborate and overcome the significant barriers along the way can be an overwhelming challenge.  Whether it comes down to distrust, used to working on their own, or feeling like […]

The Rise of Legal Award Nominations: Are They Worth It?

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There are currently an estimated 1,200 legal rankings and awards globally—up from 700 just a decade ago, according to The Wall Street Journal. As a law firm or legal marketer, that number makes your head spin as you think about vetting each ranking and determining which to pursue. Even if you only submit to a […]

Social Media Features Matter? Navigating What Features You Should Pay Attention To

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Social media is undoubtedly an invaluable tool for many businesses – law, real estate and financial firms alike. It not only helps businesses connect with potential clients, but now more than ever, it’s proven crucial to lead generation – reach new audiences, boost subscriber base, and more. A successful social media strategy means capturing your […]

Don’t Be Scared of Online Reviews. In Fact, You Need Them. Here’s Why

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We can all agree (hopefully) that the prominence and importance of online reviews (Google, Yelp, etc.) is only growing. Professional service firms – law, real estate and finance – have always been reluctant to ask clients to post reviews because it opens the door to having potentially negative comments about the firm accessible to anyone […]

The Battle of Local v. National Media: Why Local Can Sometimes Yield Better Results

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When we ask clients or prospective clients what outlets they’d like to see themselves in, national media outlets often rank at the top of the list. Clients consider national media the crème de la crème. While national media attention is a worthy goal, don’t overlook the power of coverage by local media. Depending on your […]