A tale of two marketing decisions: One spectacular, the other a fail

I’m what you could refer to as “real-sized.” I’m a normal woman and, despite the media’s fascination with females who maintain their size zero figure, I’m okay with normal. I mention this because, with the continuing adoption of web-based marketing and e-commerce, it has become easier for me to shop for outside-the-mainstream clothing brands that […]

Calling All Leaders: What Does it Take to Be Heard?

No matter what organization or industry you are in, if you are a senior leader, organizations simply expect more from you. At the Public Relations Society of America’s Counselors Academy, Jim Endicott, President of Distinction Communication, Inc., explained that while many senior leaders are incredibly smart, it doesn’t mean they know how to lead. In […]

11 Client Mistakes that Agencies Make

At the PRSA Academy Counselors conference, Ann Gynn, CEO of Gay Games 9 and content marketing coach, gave a presentation titled “11 Client Mistakes that Agencies Make”. Having been on both sides of the table – as a client and as a PR agency professional – she highlighted common mistakes made by PR agencies, as […]

What Kind of Marketing Help Do You Need?

By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Recorder

If you or your firm has ever looked for external marketing support, you may have been puzzled by the available choices. Firms are bombarded with consultants and agencies promoting their ability to generate leads and business. Figuring out what you need and where to start are generally what create the dilemma.

The Internet’s Effect on Law: Disaster or Opportunity?

The Internet has changed the game for several industries – newspapers, book publishers, marketing agencies of all types to name a few. I was reminded of this when I had lunch with a criminal defense attorney who said the Internet is the worst thing to happen to his business. He argued that it has allowed […]

Helping Experienced Attorneys Find a Digital Voice

Published: The Recorder
By: Sharon Berman

Seasoned lawyers, most often with small or mid-size firms, sometimes profess frustration at being left in the dust from a marketing perspective.

Experienced, successful lawyers who have been practicing for several decades are often dismayed by the fact younger, less experienced lawyers, some just a few years out of law school, successfully put their online marketing savvy to use and usher new business through the door.

Virtual Reality Has Marketers Planning In Real Time

By now, everyone in the professional services industry understands the crucial need for social networking in the marketing mix. Businesses have embraced the idea and recognize the value of using social networks to communicate with target audiences. Now, the next big idea in marketing has arrived: virtual reality. At the moment, virtual reality is most […]

Fifteen Tools to Supercharge Your Marketing Efforts

If you’re serious about growing your business, you’re going to need new clients—and to get new clients, you’ll have to generate leads. Simply stated, a lead is a referral to a potential new client. This referral may come from a colleague at work or in your professional or social circle, or it may come from […]

The Media Circus

“Don’t hire a publicist, hire an experienced public relations professional” was the kick-off phrase at the Association of Business Trial Lawyers’ “The Media Circus” roundtable. During the discussion, panelists spoke on how to use or defuse PR in connection with litigation or business cases. Panelists included: trial attorney Patricia Glaser with Glaser Weil; CEO and […]

Know Who Your Clients Are When Sending Them Emails

When sending clients or potential clients promotional emails, you don’t want to be a pest, but you also don’t want to be a stranger. We often ask ourselves, “How many emails are too many? When is the amount of email sent not enough?” People have differing opinions on this, but MarketingSherpa, a research firm specializing […]