Content Marketing – Easier Said Than Done

According to reports on North American B2B Content Marketing conducted by the Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs, 8% of public relations and marketing companies are effective at content marketing. Only 35% actually have a documented content marketing strategy, yet 54% complain about not having enough engaging content. A higher percentage of companies complain about […]

Marketing ideas from an unusual source: Artists who don’t think about marketing

In my travels, I have discovered that good ideas for marketing and public relations can develop anywhere. I recently attended the annual conference of the Society of North American Goldsmiths this year in Boston. You are correct if you imagine that the SNAG conference at first doesn’t look like a typical gathering of lawyers, CPAs […]

You Are Not Who I Thought You Were

Let’s face it. Aging isn’t always fun. Our hair turns gray or falls out, we develop wrinkles, and our health begins to deteriorate. That is life, and there is no way around it. The online world often serves as a platform for older professionals to portray a younger version of themselves because of the privacy […]

Digital Marketing: The Next Generation of SEO

“Reinvention” is the word being used to describe the next generation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), with a heavy emphasis on strategic thinking, rather than quick tips and tricks. The thinking behind SEO strategies and the way we approach them is changing. The biggest shift in thinking occurs in our marketing strategies. Instead of asking […]

The Marketing Melting Pot: Every firm member has a role to play in marketing

As Independence Day, America’s greatest holiday, comes and goes, we are reminded of all the freedoms we have. America is truly a melting pot of different people, styles and theories all mixed together. The same can be said for professional services firms, where you have varying levels of expertise, ideas and beliefs melded together to […]

The Five S’s of Successful Web Design in 2015

You don’t have to run a marketing firm to know how to design your professional service website, but it is helpful to keep on top of current trends. With consumers drifting away from desktop computers to more convenient, interactive mobile devices, it is important to design your website with the below trends in mind. Here […]

Checklist for a Successful Press Conference

Press conferences can be a great public relations tactic for any law or professional services firm to obtain media coverage of important legal proceedings and other noteworthy events. From the public relations professional’s point of view, these events can reflect well not only on the client but on your firm’s professionalism as well. Below, we’ve […]

LMA P3 Conference: Project management for law firms is gaining acceptance

A conference that offered information to help lawyers change the way they manage their law firm started, interestingly, with an observation on how much lawyers hate change. The Legal Marketing Association’s P3 Conference is designed to help lawyers modernize and become more efficient through the use of technology and strategy. P3 stands for pricing, project […]

Cameras in the Courtroom: The Big Debate Addressed by David Lat

I attended “An Evening with David Lat”, an event that addressed Mr. Lat’s newly released novel, Supreme Ambitions, a fictional tale based on the rise of a California clerk who dreams of working for the U.S. Supreme Court. David Lat is the founder and managing editor of Above the Law, an award-winning legal blog that […]

Everyone needs to sell – Daniel Pink can teach you the ABCs

Daniel Pink spends his life thinking about sales: Who does it best, what gets in the way of a sales pitch, how the power equation between salesperson and customer has changed. Pink spoke at the recent Legal Marketing Association annual conference in San Diego. His message to those in attendance: Stop pretending you are not […]