Social Media Is Changing Law Firm Communications Click by Click

In today’s online world, more law firms are using social media, such as LinkedIn, to avoid being left out. Although law firm communications and marketing professionals are still using traditional methods of communication, such as trade publications and newsletters, they are recognizing that social media allows for more agility in reaching current and potential clients […]

The Balancing Act: The Unique Relationship Between PR Professionals and the Media

Public relations professionals and media representatives share common goals, which include creating compelling and informative narratives. Although we may share mutually beneficial roles and objectives, we don’t always act in complementary ways. These push-pull attitudes and behavior reflect a well-known tension between these two groups, which exists for a number of reasons. From PR’s Perspective […]

Berbay’s Fun, Engaging Company Culture Enriches Employee Well-Being While Embracing the Needs of Millennials

More than salary, research shows that the top workplace draw for Millennials (defined as those born between 1982 and 2004) is company culture. And with Millennials overtaking Baby Boomers in generational size, Berbay is on the pulse of today’s evolving workforce, providing resources, tools and programs that enhance employees’ well-being, which ultimately benefits productivity and […]

Adding a Personal Touch

Everyone has their opinion when it comes to the proper interview follow up strategy in today’s digital landscape. Sending a generic e-mail to everyone you interviewed with is now a commonly accepted practice, replacing the traditional handwritten thank you card. However, a combination of both the old and new school ways of sending a thank […]

See Things Through Your Clients’ Eyes: Look Up!

All the literature on customer service instructs you to see things through your clients’ eyes in order to provide the best experience to them. A colleague of mine told me a story that perfectly illustrates the wisdom of that instruction. He was scheduled for a medical procedure that had to be performed twice. The first […]

The Importance of Continuing Professional Development

After graduating college, we assume the remainder of our education will take place in the office, which in a sense holds true. However, working in the same environment, with the same people, doing similar tasks day after day, month after month, hardly yields consistent growth. Instead, it can create a plateau in our development. When […]

In the Loop

Not being in the know can be extremely frustrating regardless of who you are in a particular situation – a business professional, a traveler or a customer. On a recent United Airlines flight on my way back to Los Angeles, we were held on the runway for nearly an hour after landing because they didn’t […]

The Psychology Behind Good Web Design and Client Behavior

In order to increase the influence you have on your client’s mindset, you need to employ psychologically-conscious design in your website. This means providing subtle design cues, which can mean all the difference in conversion rates and developing repeat clients. Creating a sense of urgency and security should be a goal in crafting a successful […]

The Next Generation of Marketing: How to Make Millennials Loyal Customers

Analysts say that millennial consumers are driving the market, yet most marketers have no idea how to relate to them. Since millennials crave more personal interactions, it is important that they feel as if you are communicating with them, not to them. To make loyal customers of millennials, it is essential to understand and market […]