See Things Through Your Clients’ Eyes: Look Up!

All the literature on customer service instructs you to see things through your clients’ eyes in order to provide the best experience to them. A colleague of mine told me a story that perfectly illustrates the wisdom of that instruction. He was scheduled for a medical procedure that had to be performed twice. The first […]

The Importance of Continuing Professional Development

After graduating college, we assume the remainder of our education will take place in the office, which in a sense holds true. However, working in the same environment, with the same people, doing similar tasks day after day, month after month, hardly yields consistent growth. Instead, it can create a plateau in our development. When […]

In the Loop

Not being in the know can be extremely frustrating regardless of who you are in a particular situation – a business professional, a traveler or a customer. On a recent United Airlines flight on my way back to Los Angeles, we were held on the runway for nearly an hour after landing because they didn’t […]

The Psychology Behind Good Web Design and Client Behavior

In order to increase the influence you have on your client’s mindset, you need to employ psychologically-conscious design in your website. This means providing subtle design cues, which can mean all the difference in conversion rates and developing repeat clients. Creating a sense of urgency and security should be a goal in crafting a successful […]

The Next Generation of Marketing: How to Make Millennials Loyal Customers

Analysts say that millennial consumers are driving the market, yet most marketers have no idea how to relate to them. Since millennials crave more personal interactions, it is important that they feel as if you are communicating with them, not to them. To make loyal customers of millennials, it is essential to understand and market […]

Understanding the “New” Newswire

Garnering the attention of media has only become more difficult with the advent of social media and other platforms where journalists are increasingly getting their news. Getting a news outlet to see your press release has become significantly harder, due in large part to newswires. Newswires, such as PR Newswire and Business Wire are still […]

Success Tips for the Savvy PR News Professional

Many public relations professionals want to get their work published, but not all of them know how to do it successfully. There’s a lot that goes into getting your piece published than writing it and pressing send. Below is some savvy, surefire advice on how to get what you want out of your PR career. […]

Gender Quotas: The Affirmative Action of the Corporate World?

Women make up more than 50.8 percent of the U.S. population, earn nearly 60 percent of undergraduate and master’s degrees and hold 52 percent of all professional-level jobs. However, in 2014, the percentage of women holding leadership positions was shockingly low. Only 4.6 percent served as a Fortune 500 CEO, 14.6 percent held an executive […]

The Human Element in Business Marketing

One of the main marketing breakthroughs of 2015 has been realizing the human element in Business to Business (B2B) marketing, which entails looking past the “business to business” label, and recognizing that the “Bs” in B2B are people too. It is important to view marketing from your client’s perspective, because even with all the changes […]

Capturing Value on Invoices

Invoicing for services delivered can be an arduous task for any professional services firm regardless of its size. While the invoicing process is often tedious, there is a tremendous opportunity to use invoices as a marketing tool to demonstrate the value you bring to your clients. This is especially true in the legal services industry, […]