What Does It Take to Be a Strong Account Manager?

The AdU Account Management program was a sold-out event held on Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at the Rubin Postaer and Associates (RPA) headquarters in Santa Monica, California. While the program was specifically tailored to highlight account management within the advertising world, key takeaways were beneficial to account managers outside advertising as well. The program offered […]

Tips for Sending Unique, Budget-Friendly Holiday Gifts to Clients

This holiday season, you may be wondering whether to send gifts to your clients. Or, if you’ve already decided to make a holiday gesture, you might be deciding exactly what to send. It’s a dilemma that many people face this time of year, but there are a few tips and tricks you can use to […]

What Makes a Case Marketable?

Litigation can be complicated, difficult to follow and fraught with legal jargon for marketers. The Legal Marketing Association’s (LMA) Los Angeles Chapter held their “Law School for Marketers: Litigation” program on Tuesday, October 20, which offered insight on how legal marketers can effectively act as translators between lawyers and their constituents – whether they are […]

The Market Demonstrates: Get Online or Get Left Behind

For everyone who continues to think their high net worth customers aren’t going online to find professional services, a recent business development should make you reconsider. Two fashion retailers, Net-A-Porter and Yoox, which sell luxury and high-end products exclusively online, recently announced they are merging, creating a powerhouse that will dominate the market. Even if […]

The Power of Mentorship

At a thinkLA sponsored event, advertising professional Lisa Tanner expressed the importance of finding a mentor in the beginning stages of your career. Mentors not only offer a wealth of knowledge pertaining to their own career path, but can also offer feedback and perspective on projects you are currently working on. A mentor can help […]

Social Media Is Changing Law Firm Communications Click by Click

In today’s online world, more law firms are using social media, such as LinkedIn, to avoid being left out. Although law firm communications and marketing professionals are still using traditional methods of communication, such as trade publications and newsletters, they are recognizing that social media allows for more agility in reaching current and potential clients […]

The Balancing Act: The Unique Relationship Between PR Professionals and the Media

Public relations professionals and media representatives share common goals, which include creating compelling and informative narratives. Although we may share mutually beneficial roles and objectives, we don’t always act in complementary ways. These push-pull attitudes and behavior reflect a well-known tension between these two groups, which exists for a number of reasons. From PR’s Perspective […]

Berbay’s Fun, Engaging Company Culture Enriches Employee Well-Being While Embracing the Needs of Millennials

More than salary, research shows that the top workplace draw for Millennials (defined as those born between 1982 and 2004) is company culture. And with Millennials overtaking Baby Boomers in generational size, Berbay is on the pulse of today’s evolving workforce, providing resources, tools and programs that enhance employees’ well-being, which ultimately benefits productivity and […]

Adding a Personal Touch

Everyone has their opinion when it comes to the proper interview follow up strategy in today’s digital landscape. Sending a generic e-mail to everyone you interviewed with is now a commonly accepted practice, replacing the traditional handwritten thank you card. However, a combination of both the old and new school ways of sending a thank […]