Make a Living at What You Love…But, Learn How to Market

I knew what to expect as soon as the professor told me none of his students take business classes. These were jewelry students, but it applies to a large percentage of every profession: Many practitioners, whether they are artists or lawyers, whether they work with their hands or provide services, resist the idea that they […]

Survey Discusses How Corporate Counsel Feel About Blogs

Law firm blogs, long considered a necessary part of the marketing mix, may be losing some of their impact. According to Law Sites, the results of the 2015 State of Digital & Content Marketing Survey show that corporate counsel are finding law firm blogs less useful and credible than they did just a few years […]

The Icing on the Cake: The Power of Using Freebies to Secure Your Next Client

With hundreds of wedding venues, vendors and coordinators in the industry, choosing the right one can be very overwhelming for a bride. When selecting the all-important venue for my big day, I ultimately chose the one that gave me the most perks. I went about my decision the same way I thought our prospective clients […]

Tips for Improving Your Attorney Bio for Search Engines

  Attorney bios are the most visited pages of a website, accounting for about 80% of all legal site traffic. In addition, two-thirds of all website traffic generate from an organic search. With that said, there are many “back-end” components to this page that attorneys overlook, and doing so may deter the viewer from clicking […]

There Is More Than Meets the Eye: Infographics as a Marketing Tool

Since 2012, infographic search volumes have increased by more than 800 percent. By definition, an infographic is a visual representation of information designed to make data easily understandable. Because infographics relay information and communicate a message quickly, marketers are starting to adopt this model as a way of providing an abundance of data to their […]

How Marketing and Branding Can Grow Your Financial Services Firm

Marketing and branding are an increasingly vital function of successful financial services firms. Implementing a strategic marketing plan can mean the difference between lost business and leads that are instead converted to new business and loyal customers. We’ve compiled some simple strategies to develop your marketing and branding plan. Clarify Your Message The key to […]

Marketing in the Age of Information Overload

Two years ago, at the annual Legal Marketing Association (LMA) Tech Conference, the topic revolved around content: how to create it, how to leverage it and how to produce more of it. Fast forward to the 2015 LMA Tech Conference, where we are now spewing out so much information that most marketers don’t know what […]

Control the Branding of Your Business, or Let Circumstances Brand You

What’s a discussion on markets without marketing? A two-day conference for women leaders of business and finance focused on the business of alternative investments – private equity, venture capital, hedge funds real estate real assets and emerging markets. The Summit also included a panel on branding your financial services firm. The repeated message was that […]

Marketing: Now and How!

Your business, no matter what profession you’re in, rises and falls on numbers. Numbers permeate everything you do and think about. What are my sales and gross profits? How many deals do I need to close to increase revenue? How many clients do I have right now? It’s all a numbers game. The numbers boil […]

Facets of Marketing

By: Sharon Berman Published: The Recorder What does diamond grading have in common with law firm marketing? It may not be immediately obvious, but some takeaways from a weeklong lab on diamond grading made the similarities as clear as you’d want a diamond to be. Education is Marketing Selling a diamond or fine jewelry in […]