Miss Universe Blunder: Simple Mistake or Stroke of PR Genius?

On December 20, 2015, we watched in horror as Steve Harvey erroneously announced Miss Colombia as winner of the Miss Universe pageant.  If you’re like me, you hadn’t watched the beauty contest in years but with the help of social media, were able to replay the mistake seen and heard around the world. You could […]

Technology Editors Reveal Best PR Practices to Implement

The PRSA “A Tech PR Trifecta” webinar moderated by Affect President Sandra Fathi was held on January 28, 2016. The webinar was specifically tailored to reveal key factors of how to win the hearts and minds of reporters to get more ink in their magazine. Three of the most influential technology editors from Fast Company, […]

How Law Firms Can Be Better PR Clients

If you work in the legal field, you probably understand how a strained working relationship with a client can impact the success of a case. In that sense, trials and public relations campaigns aren’t so different. Certain traits make some PR clients great to work with—others, not so much.  And having a great relationship with […]

College vs. Berbay

Joining the workforce is a big change from being in college, and working in marketing and public relations carries with it vastly different experiences, expectations and challenges than the ones I was used to in school. Having been with Berbay now for nearly three months, I’ve learned a lot of skills that academia never prepared […]

What Law Firms Can Do Right Now to Improve Their Content Marketing

Content marketing is a great strategy for law firms, but it can easily turn into an ineffective time suck if not done well. Firms shouldn’t jump into content marketing just because it’s the latest trend—content has to be timely, relevant and useful to your audience in order to be effective, and that takes time and […]

Focused Marketing is the Most Efficient and Effective Marketing

In a recent Law360 article, “5 Things Law Firms Do That Waste Time,” Mark Jungers, co-founder of  , a global legal recruiting firm focusing on top-tier partner placement, discussed how firms waste resources by “…trying to turn everybody into a business developer. Time could be saved, and better results achieved, if only ‘the best’ associates […]

Are Your Business Relationships on a Road to Nowhere?

“Relationship building” has long been a given of business development. Business leaders and career experts regularly extol the virtues of networking, telling us that an attorney with an iPhone full of contacts and a calendar packed with business events is a success. But what makes relationships inherently valuable? Not much, it turns out. According to […]

Customer satisfaction revealed in a cup of coffee

One of my favorite coffee shops recently demonstrated that a business’ approach to a problem – not the problem itself – is what creates long-lasting impressions. My husband and I usually go to Peet’s Coffee every morning. We drove up to the one on Montana Avenue in Santa Monica the other day and there was […]

How B2B Companies Can Harness the Power of the Internet

Particularly for small companies, digital marketing tactics can be overwhelming. There’s an endless array of B2B marketing options available, some more effective than others, and you could spend days trying to sort them all out. While many marketing trends have come and gone, others should still be a vital part of your marketing mix. Below, […]

Marketing Buzzwords Explained

I think it’s really funny when people use marketing jargon or industry jargon in general for that matter. I just want to scream, “No one understands you!” With marketing jargon, marketing professionals likely don’t understand it, let alone people with no marketing experience. I think people try to use buzzwords to make it look like they know […]