Writing to Win: The Value of Nominations

One of the most valuable tools in indicating your effectiveness within the legal landscape is the number of winning nominations that can be attributed to your law firm. In a recent Legal Marketing Association meeting, Cheryl Bame of Bame Public Relations moderated a discussion with panelists Julie Fei of O’Melveny & Myers LLP, Greg Mitchell […]

Writing What Clients Want to Read: Three Tips for Writing a Great Attorney Bio

With 74 percent of clients visiting a law firm website before taking legal action, it’s critical that your website is a fine-tuned marketing machine. Your biography is one of the first places clients look for information about you, and since you have complete control over it, it’s one of the most useful tools you have. […]

Four Strategic Steps to Creating a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Creating a “business” environment that complements other marketing channels, increases brand awareness, and builds relationships that drive direct sales is a key factor in establishing a successful email marketing campaign. iContact’s “Email Marketing 101: Invest, Engage and Grow in 2016” webinar focused on how email marketing is a cost-effective solution that gives users the power […]

Strengthening Your Writing Skills: The Heart and Soul of Effective PR

The February 2016 edition of Public Relations Tactics was the annual writing issue, and it was chock full of valuable and pertinent information every public relations specialist should know. From perfecting your prose and refusing short cuts, to enhancing your reputation and becoming a better editor, there were plenty of valuable nuggets of information for […]

The Importance of a Personal Touch in Marketing

As almost every woman and long-haired man can confirm, finding a good hairdresser is often harder than dating–it takes time, effort, and patience, and can have far more long-lasting repercussions than just a bad date. When I moved to Los Angeles, my hair was a mess of split ends and a growing-out ombré dye job. […]

Sparking Your Attorneys’ Marketing Drive

When law firms take the initial step in ramping up their marketing momentum, oftentimes they come across the challenge of sparking that same marketing initiative and drive within their individual attorneys. Given the constant pressure of billable hours, devoting time to marketing can be overwhelming and time consuming for attorneys. They have a preconceived notion […]

Marketing vs. Business Development for Law Firms

We constantly hear the terms “marketing” and “business development” used interchangeably, often with respect to law firms, but how do they differ? What do each of these strategies entail and how should they be utilized within a law firm setting to grow business? Typically, since clients hire individual lawyers rather than law firms, it’s pretty […]

Are These Law Firm Myths Slowing Your Revenue Growth?

Despite attracting some of the best and brightest, the legal field isn’t known for being quick moving. Attorneys tend to be drawn towards proven methods and principles, which is great for understanding the law. But when it comes to business development, your firm may be suffering from denial-driven inertia—the belief that the model that brought […]

Beating the Competition: Identifying What Differentiates Your Law Firm

According to the Thompson Reuters Legal Executive Survey, the demand for legal services has flat lined. The market is completely oversaturated and revenue growth is slow. To stand out from the competition in this environment, law firms are going to need to get creative. Why should a client choose your firm over another? It’s a […]

New Coke vs. Coca-Cola Classic: 30 Years Later

If there is one thing we know, it’s following the adage: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” If there is no evidence of a real problem, don’t create a problem that isn’t there, just to fix it.  In the early 1980’s, the Coca-Cola/Pepsi rivalry reached an all-time high when a blind taste test revealed […]