How to Spend Your Marketing Dollars – 5 Metrics to Guide This Decision

To be successful, law, real estate and financial service firms should be running like any other type of business, which means paying attention to more than just billable hours. Analyzing the key aspects of your firm’s performance can have a major impact on your revenue and growth. By monitoring and measuring specific metrics, you’ll be […]

How to Approach Business Development by Forming Relationships with Prospects and Clients

Does the thought of “doing business development” give you anxiety? Likely, it’s because you’re imagining making cold calls, sending out emails to decision-makers you’ve never met, or even having a bunch of lunches and hoping for results. While all those actions can be an aspect of business development, they’re not the most effective way to […]

Make Marketing a Priority, Even in Busy Times

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Marketing is one of the first things to get cut when professionals get busy—think a lawyer in trial or an accountant during tax season. Or, you may be one of the lucky ones whose phone doesn’t stop ringing with new business. Whether you are busy, or you have too much business to handle, this is […]

Is this Legal Ranking Legitimate? How to Recognize a Vanity Lawyer Award Scam


Legal nominations and awards are invaluable. By ranking on prestigious lists, lawyers and law firms can increase their visibility, build their credibility through third-party validation and level the playing field among competitors. Do you get regular emails with the latest and greatest legal ranking that you’ve never heard of and find yourself wondering if it’s […]

Your Marketing Starts with Your Reception Area

What does marketing have to do with your reception area? Simply put, everything. Have you ever decided against returning to a doctor’s office because their staff was sub-par or the office environment was uninviting? We’ve all been in this situation and it leaves a bad taste in our mouth. Even if we do continue seeing […]

Storytelling Isn’t Only for Fiction Writers: How Stories Can Land New Clients


We all appreciate a good story. Stories connect us to other people, helping us to empathize with them and understand their issues, experiences and perspectives. But how can storytelling land you clients? Here’s how: Storytelling engages emotions, builds trust and attracts attention in a way that dry facts and hard statistics simply cannot. Stories make […]

How to Give Your Email Marketing a Performance Upgrade with A/B Testing

Some think the world of email newsletters is a tired approach… that a newsletter is just an easy item to delete in your inbox. However, email campaigns are proving to be an increasingly effective and powerful tool to keep you in front of your network, especially in today’s digital age. The task that takes time […]

How Public Relations and SEO Amplify Each Other

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The word marketing can be subjective. If you ask a room of people what marketing entails, you will hear a catchall of phrases – public relations (PR), social media, speaking engagements, search engine optimization (SEO) and more. The fact is everyone would be right because there’s a lot that falls under the marketing umbrella. While these are all distinctive aspects of marketing, they are also very much intertwined. Marketing doesn’t exist in a […]

The Case for Cross-Selling in Law Firms

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One of the most cost effective and efficient ways to generate new business for law firms is to sell additional services to existing clients. If done right, not only can it generate increased revenue for a law firm, but it can also deepen relationships with clients by addressing more of their needs. It seems like an obvious and easy strategy to expand business, […]

Launch a Successful Podcast to Differentiate Your Law Firm

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The world of podcasting has erupted with 60 million listeners tuning in each week to hear about an assortment of topics. Read the following tips for more information on how law firms can build a successful podcast program to align with their marketing plan and brand: Seek out stories that stand out and stack up […]