The Latest Platforms Aren’t Just Shoes! (Try These on for Size)
In the article, “Is It Time to Try a New Social Media Platform?” the answer is yes and no. You need to gauge how well your current platforms are working for you and if they, or other platforms, could be working better. Social networks change all the time. At least once a quarter, take a […]
Consumer Reviews: A Powerful Cycle of Business
Reviews can play a powerful role in converting prospective clients to actual clients. When I began wedding planning, searching for my vendors among a sea of businesses was overwhelming. As a consumer, it was difficult to differentiate between each one who claimed they were “the best” or “top rated,” so naturally, I turned to consumer […]
Berbay Gets a Glimpse Inside LA’s Famous Stahl House
You may not know its name or who designed it, but you’ve almost certainly seen this famous Los Angeles home. Case Study House #22, or the Stahl House, named for the family that bought the lot in 1954, is an iconic piece of modernist architecture, immortalized in movies, TV shows and the photography of Julius […]
How to Write a Great LinkedIn Summary
LinkedIn is considered the social media platform extraordinaire for business professionals. Studies have shown that the summary is the second part of your profile that visitors look at—right after they see your picture. Therefore, it’s worth taking the extra time to make sure your summary doesn’t sound similar to the previous lawyer they looked at. […]
Account Manager Karla Fletcher Celebrates Six Months at Berbay

Pulled, stretched, tugged, challenged. All these words, and more, come to mind when I think about my time at Berbay. Never have I been pulled, stretched and challenged to the point where I thought I would break, only to find a group of people ready to catch me if I fell. As someone with an […]
Stepping over to the Dark Side
After 13 years, a half dozen newsrooms and multiple states, I made the switch from a career in journalism to public relations. There was a sense of anxiety: would this new career be as fulfilling? There was also guilt for abandoning a journey that so few get to travel. Then there was the ridicule (albeit […]
It’s All in the Details – Technical Details, That Is.
How many times have you thought you were going to hear a presentation, then couldn’t? The microphone isn’t working, the slides don’t play, etc. The technology aspect of making a presentation is something many of us don’t think enough about before we stand behind the podium. Almost everyone puts time into their PowerPoint, and they […]
Write Your Next Powerpoint Without Writing a Word. See How
One of the most “talked” about sessions at the 2016 Legal Marketing Conference was “TED Talks for Lawyers.” The format for TED Talks and TED techniques has become the norm for what now constitutes successful presentations. One TED technique relates to the use of verbiage in PowerPoints. Gone are the days of text-heavy PowerPoint slides. […]
Want More People to Actually Read Your E-Newsletter? Here Are Some Easy Ideas
Many e-newsletters talk about firm members’ promotions, they brag about new client relationships, new deals…they’re a litany of “me, me, me all the way home.” To get your clients and prospective clients to read your e-newsletter and actually look forward to receiving it, you need to write about what’s of value to THEM. Q&As are […]
Case Studies Are an Easy Way to Bring in New Business If You Write Them Correctly
The first thing to understand about case studies is what they are, and what they should not be. Case studies are a viable and effective way to persuade and entice prospects to hire you and your firm. They should not be used to pat yourself on the back for the great work you’ve done or […]