4 Tips for Managing Your Marketing Time

From drafting articles to updating websites to hosting webinars, marketing can seem like an overwhelming task. Particularly for professionals with billable hours, it’s easy to push these items to the back burner. With both current and future business equally important, how does one find the right balance? Time management is critical in ensuring that your […]

Build Connections and Move Prospect Relationships Along

Building relationships and connections takes time. Many lawyers, CPAs and other professionals are unrealistic about how quickly they can win new or additional business from prospects. It’s really a step-by-step process and every communication with a prospect or client is a touch point to move that relationship along. Sally J. Schmidt, in her article, “Building […]

Don’t Discount the Power of Door-to-Door Sales

There’s no question that online sales have exploded. Last year, 244 million people made an online purchase, and that number is expected to reach 270 million by 2020. But at the same time, 60 percent of people feel more comfortable engaging offline. Although it seems like we’re moving toward a digital-only world, there’s no replacement […]

Know Your Place: Why Positioning is the Key to Success

Why is it that two firms – whether it’s law, real estate or financial firms – operating in the same city and focusing on the same practice area can have wildly different revenue? It all comes down to their positioning: where the firms have placed themselves in the market. Firms that understand their niche and […]

Don’t Be Afraid of the Cloud

In recent years, there’s been an uptick in legal tech startups, including Legal.io, RenewData, casetext, and Axiom, all of which provide different services, such as network platforms, e-discovery, legal research and online legal services, respectively. As these technologies develop and become part of a lawyer’s day-to-day, some have wondered if technology is replacing people. The […]

Do You Have a High-Engagement Website?

The primary purpose of law firm websites used to be for housing anything and everything about the firm, its attorneys, and its services. Websites were once a collection of static pages containing information. Now, today’s law firm websites are moving from passive to aggressive. Since the average website visitor’s attention span is limited, this means […]

Challenges of Business Development in the Legal Landscape

Most law firms know that business development is necessary for a strong bottom line. However, many lack the tools or plan to set it in motion. Many in-house legal marketers have to balance a fine line of stressing the importance of business development while not infringing on the amount of billable hours attorneys must account […]

Are You of the Same Opinion as Managing Partners on the Permanency of Important Trends?

The 3 Geeks and a Law Blog article, “Managing Partners on Change: Clients Don’t Ask, Partners Resist,” shared data from the 2016 Altman Weil MP Survey.  Managing Partners provided their opinions on the permanency of important market trends; more price competition, technology replacing human resources, more non-hourly billing, erosion of demand for law firms, decreased […]

5 Reasons to Say No and 4 Strategies to Help You Learn How

What one word with only two letters and one syllable is probably the most difficult word to say?  Give up?  It’s “NO.”  As Robin Bull points out in her article on learning how to say no, “Practical Strategies to Help You Say No,” even those of us with the strongest resolve to decline can break […]

Five Essential Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Online Profiles

If you’ve ever Googled your firm, you’ve probably seen it listed on a number of directories and review websites like Yelp, Super Lawyers, AVVO and others. Perhaps some of your information is incomplete or incorrect. Or, maybe you expected to see your name, only to discover that your firm wasn’t listed at all. These issues […]