Twitter Tips for Attorneys (Yes, You Should Be Using Twitter)

There’s often the misconception that social media is only for millennials or hotshot corporate lawyers, but regardless of your age, practice or ranking, social media such as Twitter is a useful tool that should be harnessed. You’d be surprised by how you can benefit as a lawyer from typing 140 characters and sending it off […]

Burst Your Bubble

Have you heard the term “news bubble?” It’s the concept that insular groups of people receive news from their bubble of pre-selected people with whom they share personal views and values. How about the term “incestuous amplification?” This is when people in these insular groups repeat ideas and opinions to each other, they all agree […]

From the “4Ps” to the “4Es”: Why Luxury Marketers Need a Different Formula

Whether you are working in the marketing industry or just took one Marketing 101 class, everyone has heard of the 4Ps of marketing – product, price, promotion and place. We marketers have had this drummed into our heads by professors and textbooks more times than we can count. I certainly understand the importance of the […]

Berbay Visits the Natural History Museum

As a part of our Cultural Camaraderie program, the Berbay team took a trip to the Natural History Museum in Downtown Los Angeles, and even got a behind-the-scenes tour of its Dinosaur Institute. We learned about the labor-intensive process of collecting dinosaur fossils. In some areas, it’s not possible to use cars to carry fossils, […]

Los Angeles’ New Media Reporters – PRSA Panel Recap

I recently attended the Public Relations Society of America’s (PRSA) Breakfast with Los Angeles’ New Media Reporters, including a panel of journalists from Buzzfeed, Time Out L.A., and Moms L.A. The discussion ranged from the best ways to get their attention to 2017 new media trends, pitch tips and pet peeves. Below are some takeaways […]

Virtual Reality – The Real Estate Marketing Tactic You Should Pay Attention To

Virtual Reality for Real Estate Tech insiders are calling virtual reality (VR) the hottest innovation of the decade, and there’s no question that it has the potential to change how we view the world, do business, and engage with each other online. Virtual reality has serious implications for the real estate industry in particular. VR […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Marketing Your Firm Through Speaking Engagements

Speaking at a conference, CLE event or workshop is a great marketing opportunity—as long as you know how to take advantage of it. According to Hire an Esquire, speaking engagements are the second most useful lead generation tool, right behind referrals. If you have a captive audience, don’t waste your chance to convert them into […]

Customer Satisfaction

You know how a bad customer service experience can put you in a really bad mood?  Well, I recently had two really pleasant experiences while shopping that got me thinking… I had to return two items, one to Saks Fifth Avenue and one to Neiman Marcus—stores at which I rarely shop (seriously). I had purchased one […]

Marketing Tasks to Do on a Slow Day

Most of the time we are swamped, so any time we have a slow day it’s a welcome relief. It can feel a bit odd, though, when you get to the office and there’s nothing urgent that needs to be done. What exactly are you supposed to do all day? Slow days are an opportunity […]

Notes from the PRSA Western District Conference

This year’s Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Western District Conference, held in Riverside, CA, covered a number of emerging issues in public relations. In case you missed it, here’s a recap of a couple of the panels. Differentiation These days, the professional services landscape is a buyer’s market – there are so many great […]