Best-in-Breed Website Bios
You have about eight seconds and 150 characters for your prospects to decide if they are going to continue reading your attorney biography or click to another page. In an engaging LMA conference presentation, Anne Heathcock and Mary Trice of Winston & Strawn reported on what works now in biographies. Your Photo Make your photo […]
VR for Marketing: Keep Your Finger on the Pulse
There’s so much buzz around the world of virtual reality (VR), and industries such as hospitality, tourism, real estate, entertainment and sports are beginning to adopt this immersive video to grow their customer base and even recruit new talent. Major brands like IKEA, McDonald’s and Coca-Cola are already utilizing the medium, but it’s key to […]
Success Begins in Your Mind
At some point, everyone has encountered that person who seems to have everything going for them. You may even be a little jealous, but you recognize that this particular person deserves every bit of their success. What are they doing differently? I am not saying this is the end all, be all, but it’s likely […]
5 Things to Leave Off Your Firm Homepage
Your website homepage is one of the most important marketing tools you have—and one of the most difficult to get right. It must explain your services to people who may have no clue what you do, and it should do it in way that’s concise and intriguing. It’s a tricky balance, and many firms have […]
The Most Valuable Business Strategy? Gratitude
You can easily attribute your firm’s or your personal achievements to careful planning, intellect and foresight, but no one built their business by themselves, or became the person they are today solely because of how great they are. It’s all built on relationships, and gratitude is the key to strengthening old relationships and developing new […]
Twitter Tips for Attorneys (Yes, You Should Be Using Twitter)
There’s often the misconception that social media is only for millennials or hotshot corporate lawyers, but regardless of your age, practice or ranking, social media such as Twitter is a useful tool that should be harnessed. You’d be surprised by how you can benefit as a lawyer from typing 140 characters and sending it off […]
Burst Your Bubble
Have you heard the term “news bubble?” It’s the concept that insular groups of people receive news from their bubble of pre-selected people with whom they share personal views and values. How about the term “incestuous amplification?” This is when people in these insular groups repeat ideas and opinions to each other, they all agree […]
From the “4Ps” to the “4Es”: Why Luxury Marketers Need a Different Formula
Whether you are working in the marketing industry or just took one Marketing 101 class, everyone has heard of the 4Ps of marketing – product, price, promotion and place. We marketers have had this drummed into our heads by professors and textbooks more times than we can count. I certainly understand the importance of the […]
Berbay Visits the Natural History Museum

As a part of our Cultural Camaraderie program, the Berbay team took a trip to the Natural History Museum in Downtown Los Angeles, and even got a behind-the-scenes tour of its Dinosaur Institute. We learned about the labor-intensive process of collecting dinosaur fossils. In some areas, it’s not possible to use cars to carry fossils, […]
Los Angeles’ New Media Reporters – PRSA Panel Recap
I recently attended the Public Relations Society of America’s (PRSA) Breakfast with Los Angeles’ New Media Reporters, including a panel of journalists from Buzzfeed, Time Out L.A., and Moms L.A. The discussion ranged from the best ways to get their attention to 2017 new media trends, pitch tips and pet peeves. Below are some takeaways […]