Mid-Year Marketing Reset

The second half of the year seems to fly by faster than the first, and January will be here before you know it. With the end of summer approaching, it’s an ideal time to revisit your marketing wish list from the beginning of the year. Are you on track to accomplish everything by December 31, […]

Litigation Public Relations: Understanding Legal Press Conferences

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Before we dive into how to execute a successful press conference, it’s important to address what a press conference is and when you should have one. A press conference is an opportunity for your attorneys and potentially others you designate – your client, a prominent individual involved in the case, or others impacted by the […]

To Outsource Your Marketing/PR or Not

When we are speaking with prospective clients, we answer a lot of questions, but undoubtedly, one we hear often is: “Should we outsource our marketing and hire an agency like Berbay, or hire an in-house marketing person?”   It’s a great question and like most great questions, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The answer will change […]

Pros and Cons to Using a Press Release Distribution Service for Your Business

We often field questions on the value of using a press release distribution service, such as PR Newswire or BusinessWire, or the difference between this and what Berbay does, which is send a press release to a targeted media list (aka earned media). While we’re not newswire experts, after decades of public relations experience, we […]

Six Ways to Position Yourself as a Thought Leader

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It can feel like millions of professionals just like you are clamoring to be seen as the industry leader in their field. While it feels overwhelming and increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd, there is still huge opportunity to be gained by positioning yourself as a thought leader – a leader that others […]

Five Ways to Use Your Marketing & PR Campaign to Boost Recruiting Efforts

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Many firms have felt the lasting effects of the Great Resignation, but if so many people left their jobs for brighter pastures, why are businesses having such a hard time finding talent? While we don’t have the answers as to why the talent pool has seemingly shrunk, we do believe it’s time to reassess your […]

How to Write a Press Release Boilerplate for Your Firm

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Even as the media landscape grows more complex, traditional press releases continue to be an important part of media efforts and gaining that coveted third-party credibility via the media. One key part of press release anatomy is the boilerplate: the final paragraph that describes your firm. Like an elevator pitch in written form, the boilerplate […]