Why Gating Content May Not Be a Winning Strategy After All

For years, gating content has been a standard marketing strategy used by millions of companies, including the legal industry. For those who are not familiar with the term “gated content,” it’s simply requiring website visitors to fill out a form in order to obtain online material, such as articles, white papers, etc. However, as the […]
Want Media Coverage? Here’s How to Get It

Want Media Coverage? Here’s How to Get It A recent survey revealed that journalists only respond to about 3% of media pitches they receive and fewer than 8% of pitches become stories. Despite these low percentages, you shouldn’t shy away from seeking press coverage as it comes with significant marketing benefits. Being quoted by an […]
Nine Marketing Resolutions for the New Year

New Year’s resolutions are the new Santa Claus: they’re a nice idea, fun to contemplate, but we all know they don’t really exist. By day seven of the new year, resolutions have fallen by the wayside. So, why write an article about New Year’s resolutions for your marketing? Because “resolution” isn’t just something you make […]
Avoid These 5 Common Succession Planning Mistakes That Can Derail Your Firm

According to an ABA report, nearly 65 percent of equity partners will retire over the next decade. Baby boomers, who have had a hold on law firm leadership for years, are aging out and millennials are moving up. Is your firm prepared for this upheaval? Drastic change is coming to the legal industry and the […]
Will the Media Care? The Case for Releasing Even “Small” Firm Announcements

Nearly every law firm has been there. You sent a press release to the media announcing a new partner or you spent time distributing a pitch about your firm’s new website—but the reporters don’t respond. It’s radio silence, even with the local daily newspaper. Is it because your announcements are not newsworthy? Here are some […]
Is My Marketing Working? How Law Firms Can Use Lead Tracking to Answer This Age-Old Question

How do we measure marketing results? How do we know our PR campaign is working? These are questions clients and prospects ask Berbay all of the time (and they should!), but one of the challenges to answering them is that most law firms aren’t tracking where their leads and new business come from. The information […]
What’s in a Name? Changing Your Law Firm’s Name – Should You Do It and Marketing Considerations

Ever wonder why nearly every law firm name is a series of last names grouped together with no creativity in sight? The reason is because in many states, this is a requirement by the State Bar, not just tradition. Recently, some states have loosened their requirements, and law firms are responding by transitioning from the […]
Mid-Year Marketing Reset

The second half of the year seems to fly by faster than the first, and January will be here before you know it. With the end of summer approaching, it’s an ideal time to revisit your marketing wish list from the beginning of the year. Are you on track to accomplish everything by December 31, […]
Litigation Public Relations: Understanding Legal Press Conferences

Before we dive into how to execute a successful press conference, it’s important to address what a press conference is and when you should have one. A press conference is an opportunity for your attorneys and potentially others you designate – your client, a prominent individual involved in the case, or others impacted by the […]
The Importance of Legal Directories in Law Firm PR: Comparing Guides & Examining Effectiveness

Legal directories came onto the scene about 30 years ago as a sort of Yellow Pages for lawyers and law firms. At its most basic level, a legal directory is a searchable database of attorneys sorted by location, practice area and other attributes. An entry might include a lawyer’s firm affiliation, their contact information and […]