Four Tips on How to Add Texting to Your Marketing Mix

Americans spend 87 hours a month on their smartphones, and texting is by far the most-used function.  This stat should make every marketer’s ears perk up – including lawyers. Although text message marketing hasn’t quite hit the mainstream in the legal industry, some experts are declaring it the next big thing. Being able to reach […]

Four Ways Real Estate Agents Can Tell Stories on Social Media

Humans love stories; it’s been scientifically proven time and time again. But what exactly makes us love them so much? One study found that when we read a powerful story, our brains can’t differentiate between what we’re reading and what’s actually happening. A happy story makes us feel as if the good experience is happening […]

The Future of the Workplace: Collaboration, Working Remotely and More

Nearly a decade ago, workplace collaboration was all the rage. CEOs and senior staff were knocking down walls to create open offices, forgoing the traditional corner office and getting employees from different departments to work together in the same space. It even seems hard to imagine that this trend started a decade ago. So what […]

Service Partners: Avoid Becoming a “Sitting Duck”

“All that’s left is service partners,” was how the managing partner of a successful law firm described the continued demise of another brand name firm. This got me thinking… Over the years, I’ve seen so many law firm business development professionals try to motivate lawyers to market. I’ve seen an equal number of law firms […]

To Outsource Your Marketing/PR or Not…

When we are speaking with prospective clients, we answer a lot of questions. But undoubtedly, one we hear a lot is, “Why should we hire Berbay when we could just hire a full-time marketing person?” It’s a great question and like most great questions, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The answer will change depending on […]

Out With The Old: Keep Your Website Current To Attract New Clients

“Having prospects look at our website is like having me walk into a client meeting in sweatpants.”  This is the way a successful financial service professional described to me how she felt about her firm’s outdated website. The comment came from a well-established investment banker, who also happened to be a woman. I say this […]

Successful Networking: Tap into “Muscle Memory” To Ease Anxiety

I have been to hundreds of networking meetings, and for years have smoothly made my way through countless rooms where I didn’t know a single person when I first arrived. Even so, to this day I can still get those all too familiar twinges of anxiety beforehand. However, I know that I’m not alone in […]

Lessons from LSSO – Common Sense Should Be Common Practice

At this year’s Legal Sales and Service Organization (LSSO) RainDance Conference, there was no shortage of memorable takeaways. Keynote speakers dove into diverse topics, from how to be distinctive in order to win business to how to master a PowerPoint presentation. Over two days, a common thread was woven throughout the presentations: “Common sense” is […]