To Outsource Your Marketing/PR or Not…

When we are speaking with prospective clients, we answer a lot of questions. But undoubtedly, one we hear a lot is, “Why should we hire Berbay when we could just hire a full-time marketing person?” It’s a great question and like most great questions, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The answer will change depending on […]

Out With The Old: Keep Your Website Current To Attract New Clients

“Having prospects look at our website is like having me walk into a client meeting in sweatpants.”  This is the way a successful financial service professional described to me how she felt about her firm’s outdated website. The comment came from a well-established investment banker, who also happened to be a woman. I say this […]

Successful Networking: Tap into “Muscle Memory” To Ease Anxiety

I have been to hundreds of networking meetings, and for years have smoothly made my way through countless rooms where I didn’t know a single person when I first arrived. Even so, to this day I can still get those all too familiar twinges of anxiety beforehand. However, I know that I’m not alone in […]

Lessons from LSSO – Common Sense Should Be Common Practice

At this year’s Legal Sales and Service Organization (LSSO) RainDance Conference, there was no shortage of memorable takeaways. Keynote speakers dove into diverse topics, from how to be distinctive in order to win business to how to master a PowerPoint presentation. Over two days, a common thread was woven throughout the presentations: “Common sense” is […]

It’s Time for a Marketing Tune-Up!

It’s not too late to improve your marketing results for the year! With six months of the year behind us, it’s time for a marketing tune-up. Mid-year is the perfect time to take a look at what your marketing has achieved so far and assess whether or not everything is going according to plan or […]

Getting Value Out of Video: Dos and Don’ts for Law Firms

According to the National Law Review, people watch nearly 5 billion videos online every day. Videos are no longer optional—they’re an important part of any marketing strategy. However, it can be difficult to determine whether an investment in video is worth it, especially since it tends to be expensive. When done well, video can be […]

Is Your Law Firm Overlooking These Social Media Ethics Guidelines?

Social media is a great marketing tool, but just like every other form of advertising that law firms use, it comes with certain ethical guidelines. Breaching those standards can have serious consequences, too—a misguided Tweet or unclear Facebook post could, hypothetically, lead to a penalty or even disbarment. It’s a worst-case scenario, but it is […]

Seven Steps to Prepare for a Media Interview

You just secured a highly-coveted media interview with an outlet that will position you in front of hundreds of potential clients – congratulations, that’s a big win! In many ways, nailing the perfect interview is like preparing for a first date; sometimes our expectations are very different from the outcome. But remembering a few very […]