Why These Negative Reviews Are Actually Good for Your Firm

As a professional services firm, you will find that people are the cornerstone of your business. Your business goals aren’t as simple as selling a one-size-fits-all product. Every client’s needs, personality and perspectives are different — which means it’s inevitable that somewhere along the line, a client is going to be unhappy with your services. […]

Client Alert Essentials: 5 Ways to Make Your Alerts Stand Out from the Rest

The average office worker gets 121 emails each day. Most professionals would agree that there simply isn’t enough time to read all those messages. So, when one of your client alerts lands in someone’s inbox, it had better be good if you expect them to take the time to open and read it. This becomes […]

Choosing Beta Over VHS: Don’t Ditch Your Law Firm’s Database in Favor of Social Media

Recently, I’d found myself second-guessing one of my core marketing beliefs and something that I have always espoused — namely, that your database is the core of your marketing program, whether you’re a law, financial services or real estate firm. By “database,” I’m referring to your email list – the current, prospective and/or former clients […]

Leading Law Firms Capture Leads and Business

Before law firms or other professional service firms engage us, they have one question, which tends to be paramount to all else.  That question is:  What will our return on investment (ROI) be for marketing and public relations (PR)? This is a legitimate inquiry considering that marketing and public relations is an investment, so you […]

Four Ways to Take the Leap from Writing Briefs to Writing Blogs

To be a good lawyer, you must be proficient in the English language and understand the essentials to writing legal briefs. Lawyers who are trying to make the shift to writing blog content should be relieved to know that as masters of the English language, there are steps to create a great blog post. To […]

There Are No Guarantees in Life — or in Marketing

Life is unpredictable. That’s why our parents likely warned us that there are no guarantees in life. None of us truly know what will happen next; however on several occasions, prospective clients have asked me for guarantees, which is what prompted this blog. These prospects want a guarantee on how many new clients I can […]

Why Law Firm Public Relations Is Like Baseball

You can learn a lot from baseball – even lessons about law firm public relations, which has more in common with baseball than you might think. First baseball players and public relations professionals both know how to perform under pressure. Second, a baseball diamond is the perfect road map for a foolproof legal PR campaign. […]

LMA Think Tank: Top Three Business Development Challenges at Law Firms

A recent think tank discussion hosted by David Ackert of The Ackert Advisory for LMA-LA examined the latest market research on business development challenges faced by law firms. The results detailed many findings, but the top three challenges identified by participants in the think tank, comprised of legal marketers from a range of law firms […]

Three Tips for Pitching to Broadcast Reporters

Each month, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) holds an “At Breakfast With” event, which allows public relations professionals to network with peers and media representatives. At their August event, the panel consisted of NBC4 Investigative Producer Philip Drechsler, CBS2/ KCAL9 Special Projects Producer Nicolette Medina and KMEX Executive Producer Jacqueline Ramirez. Panelists discussed […]

3 Signs of a Prairie Dog Marketer

Prairie dogs are cute little animals who are often found happily digging away underground. Their signature move is suddenly popping up out of their burrows when they sense danger or to scan for predators. It’s a great strategy for prairie dogs. Not so much for marketers. In my line of work, I often come across […]