The Dangers of Dinosaur Marketing

Longevity at a firm has many benefits, and one of them is that staying with one firm for multiple years or even decades makes it possible to build up a solid and reliable book  and network of business contacts. However, law firm partners with many years of experience under their belts run the risk of becoming set in […]

8 Ways to Be Great in Law, Leadership & Legal Marketing

The inaugural Legal Marketing Association Southwest Region Conference underscored the need for law firms to become more effective, efficient and energized marketers. Speakers offered 8 ways for law firm professionals to be Great in Law, Leadership & Legal Marketing. Learn more below. Read the LMA Southwest Region Conference recap. Watch the LMA Southwest Region Conference […]

Law Firm Succession Planning: 6 Steps All Firms Need to Take Now

According to a recent report by ALM Intelligence, at least one-third of all law firms have no succession plan in place for firm leadership or for client team leaders, putting the future of even large firms in peril. If there is no plan in place as the older partners retire, the firm is sure to […]

Berbay Goes on Art Muse LA Tour

Berbay Goes on Art Muse LA Tour e1517450990101

Berbay’s most recent Cultural Camaraderie program took in three contemporary art galleries and the exciting new LA Arts District. This outing enlisted the aid of Art Muse Los Angeles with our artist guides Lindsay Preston Zappas, founder, publisher and editor-in-chief of Contemporary Art Review Los Angeles (CARLA) and Sarah Jones of Sarah Jones Art. These […]

Law Firm Marketing: How Twitter’s Expanded Character Limit Can Benefit Law Firms

With roughly 330 million active users, Twitter remains a powerful social media channel for lawyers and law firms to utilize as part of their overall law firm marketing strategy. However, many law firms fail to leverage this highly influential marketing tool to their maximum benefit. That may change however, as Twitter recently doubled its character […]

Business Development for Litigators: 6 Tips to Create Successful Rainmakers

As marketers working with litigators to help build their business, we often hear pushback to the tune of: “I’m too busy.” “The work is already coming in.” “If I focus on a niche, I’ll lose other business.” All of which may be true but isn’t going to be a sustainable approach to obtaining more clients […]

8 Keys to Riding the Wave of Change

Competition with peer firms, alternatives to law firms, emphasis on diversity, and more, are forcing legal marketers to evolve their thinking and take a leadership role to drive effective outcomes. The recent LMA West Region Continuing Marketing Education conference “Nexus of Change” focused on three fundamental areas: a macro view of the changing industry; how changes are impacting legal […]

Law Firm Public Relations Is Like Baseball – Find Out Why

There are lots of lessons to be learned from baseball — even lessons about law firm public relations. Baseball and public relations have more in common than you might think. Baseball players and public relations professionals both know how to perform under pressure and the baseball diamond is the perfect road map for a foolproof […]