LMA Tech West Conference Recap: 10 Marketing Moves to Make Now!

The LMA Tech West Conference, held Jan. 31 – Feb. 1 in San Francisco, featured many thought-provoking discussions. Hats off to conference chairs Eric Armstrong, Stefanie Marrone, Clayton Dodds and Adam Stock for organizing a successful event. If you couldn’t attend LMA Tech West, keep an eye out for our full conference recap which will feature key takeaways […]

FOMO Is Killing Your Firm’s Profitability — Here’s What You Can Do About It

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), a term linked to teenage fear that by missing a social event they will miss out on something great, can be just as unhealthy for the financial health of law firms as for a 13-year-old. In the legal industry, many firms still fear specialization because, on the surface, specializing narrows […]

Five Ethical Guidelines for Lawyers on Social Media

Whether you’re a social media novice or a pro, you need to be aware of the ethical standards that lawyers are expected to meet … and not cross. These standards apply if you’re using social media as a marketing tool for your firm, of course, but can also apply to your own personal online activity. […]

Six Tips and Tactics to Amplify Your Content

27 million pieces of content are shared every day. That’s a huge number, and it seems like every topic imaginable has been covered from every angle imaginable. If you want to make an impact in such a crowded space, it’s not enough to post something on your website and hope it will get seen. You […]

7 Easy (and Free!) Ways to Increase Your Instagram Presence

Instagram has been steadily gaining popularity over the years, as its ease of use has made it “the” social media platform of choice. Instagram boasts over 700 million active users, twice that of Twitter. Instagram’s latest feature, Instagram Stories, reached 200 million active users in April 2017, eclipsing the 161 million Snapchat users. What does […]

Business Development and Marketing Plans for Lawyers

With a New Year bearing down upon us, there’s no time like the present for attorneys and law firms to get to work on creating annual business development plans and/or their marketing plans. Some firms have both a business development and a marketing plan, and other firms have neither; however, having a written plan rather […]

New Survey: Client Acquisition is the Biggest Challenge Small Law Firms Face

Most attorneys who practice on their own or at a small firm will tell you they love the freedom and close relationships with their clients. Many lawyers leave big firms specifically for these reasons. But every rose has a thorn, and at small firms, that thorn is having to be a business owner in addition […]

Five Tips for a Productive Marketing Budget Season

The holiday season is upon us, which means it’s time to give gifts, celebrate with loved ones and…plan next year’s legal marketing budget. Yes, as the year comes to a close, law firm marketers need to wrap up their projects, reflect on what worked (and what didn’t) and decide how to spend their money next […]