Berbay Looks into Infinity at The Broad
For Berbay’s latest Cultural Camaraderie outing, we visited The Broad, one of downtown Los Angeles’ newest contemporary art museums. The museum holds more than 2,000 works by artists, including Jeff Koons, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Cindy Sherman. In addition to the permanent collection, we also got to see a special exhibition of Japanese artist […]
How Technology is Changing Law Firm Marketing Strategy, Management and Culture
LMA Tech West Conference Recap The Legal Marketing Association Tech West Conference examined the latest trends and issues affecting the legal marketing technology landscape in all stages of the legal sales cycle in areas such as social media, big data, artificial intelligence, experience management/lead management, CRM, websites, SEO, content marketing videos, marketing automation and much […]
New Trends in Search: An SEO Workshop
Speakers: Guy Alvarez, Chief Engagement Officer, Good2bSocial Mary M. Trice, Digital & Marketing Communications Manager, Winston & Strawn LLP Jennifer Buechele Schaller, Managing Director, National Law Review You hear about it all the time and know it’s important for your firm, yet you might feel as if you need a master’s degree […]
Why Technology Matters to the Legal Ecosystem
How Law Firms and In-House Counsel Are Navigating Changing Technology Moderator: Nat Slavin, Partner, Wicker Park Group Speakers: Jennifer Chaloemtiarana, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, Castlight Pratik Patel, VP, Legal Business Solutions, Elevate Services Mick Cox, Executive Director, Legal Operations, Office of the General Counsel, University of California Office of the President […]
Social Media Master Class
Adrian Dayton, Founder, ClearView Social Stefanie Marrone, Director of Business Development and Marketing, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP The tweet that changed my life In 2009, Adrian Dayton responded to an inquiry on Twitter for a contract lawyer and landed a client. The opportunity to leverage social media to bring in business was […]
10 Marketing Moves to Make Now
The 2018 LMA Tech West Conference examined the latest trends and issues affecting the legal marketing technology landscape in all stages of the legal sales cycle. Within this were 10 strategies marketing and business development professionals could implement in their law firms to stay at the forefront of a rapidly changing industry.
What Legal Marketers Need to Know About Emerging Technologies (Roundtable)
Moderator: Jon Metcalf, Director of Marketing Technology, Fenwick & West LLP Speakers: Elonide Semmes, President, Right Hat LLC Helen Bertelli, Vice President, Infinite Global Ben Greenzweig, Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder, Momentum Event Group Deb Dobson, Marketing Technology Manager, Fisher Phillips LLP Anand Ravindra Upadhye, VP of Business Development, Casetext, Inc. […]
Facebook News Feed Changes: What Your Law Firm Needs to Know
In the coming months, Facebook has vowed to make sweeping changes to the content that appears in users’ feeds. Specifically, Zuckerberg said, in a post: “We started making changes in this direction last year, but it will take months for this new focus to make its way through all our products. The first changes you’ll see […]
How to Use Technology to Leverage Content Within an Integrated Communications Strategy
Ryan King, Director of Communications, Ogletree Deakins Erika Ritzer, Senior Partner, Finn Partners Nicole Abboud, Founder, Abboud Media and host of The Gen Why Podcast Rob Kates, Executive Producer, Kates Media How do you make legal marketing content POP? How do you not only generate good content, but get it […]
Mastering Marketing Technology
Scott Brinker, VP of Platform Engagement, HubSpot Program Chair, MarTech The legal marketing landscape is changing faster than anyone could have anticipated ten years ago, raising some uncomfortable questions: Is artificial intelligence (AI) a friend or foe? Will our firm’s services remain relevant? Which marketing technologies can help our firm thrive, and which do […]