Dust Off Your Marketing Plan: 6 Steps to Accomplish Your Goals by Year-End

The second half of the year seems to fly by faster than the first, and January will be here before you know it. With six months left in 2018, it’s an ideal time to revisit your marketing wish list from the beginning of the year. Are you on track to accomplish everything by December 31, […]

Making the Leap: In-House to Agency Public Relations

There’s a stigma attached to public relations agencies. I was given the impression that, regardless of the type of clients, large agencies churn and burn their young talent (leading to most fading out and few rising), and that boutique agencies lay off their newest talent in the event that they lose one to two key […]

Want to Be a Happy Lawyer? Achieving Happiness Has More Science Behind It Than You Think

This year’s Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference in New Orleans was held during an important event in the city’s history – its tri-centennial birthday. The city was buzzing.  Hundreds of legal marketers came together to tackle many of the reoccurring challenges law firms of all sizes are facing in today’s ever-evolving landscape, and the Big […]

6 Ways to Better Communicate with Clients

Clients hire lawyers for their legal expertise, but they stick with them because of their quality of service. A large part of that perceived quality depends on your ability to communicate effectively with clients. Communication is just as important as your “real” work. You could even argue that communication is more important because if you […]

3 Ways to Make Your Law Firm’s “About” Webpage Win Over Visitors

The cliché that you never get a second chance to make a first impression is spot on when it comes to your law firm’s website. Your website will undoubtedly serve as your law firm’s introduction to prospects searching online. With this in mind, it’s vital to have an engaging homepage; however, you should spend equally […]

Biggest Issue in Communication? The Belief It Has Taken Place; Uncork Your Better Boss

At the 2018 Women Leaders Forum, Shani Magosky, Owner/Founder, Vitesse Consulting, LLC/The Better Boss Project, shared her tips for “Uncorking Your Better Boss.” The focus of her presentation was how communicating ongoing and on-target feedback is important in all business relationships, whether they’re with employees, fellow attorneys, your boss, your firm’s marketing team, or even […]

Lawyers & Telecommuting: 7 Tips for Making the Most of Working Remotely

Telecommuting is a viable – and often attractive – option for professionals in myriad industries, including lawyers. The benefits for law firms can be numerous, including reducing overhead for smaller firms and attracting top recruits looking for flexibility in larger firms. Lawyers who are able to telecommute some of the time, most of the time […]