Marketing to Millennials: Four Things Your Law Firm Needs to Do NOW

Accounting for nearly one-quarter of the U.S. population, suffice it to say, the Millennial generation is huge. Second only in numbers to the Baby Boomer generation, it’s clear that law firms need to be strategic in their marketing in order to directly reach these young men and women, who now represent 35% of the workforce. […]

Blog/Podcast: Feeling Burned Out as a Lawyer? Here Are 5 Tips to Get You Back on Track

You’re a practicing attorney; you’re doing well. You have a great client list, are making good money and are on track for partnership (or already there). Shouldn’t you feel happy? If you don’t, you’re not alone. Dissatisfaction among lawyers is more prevalent than you might think. In fact, Judith Gordon, attorney coach, lecturer at UCLA […]

How Your Competition Closes Business

David Ackert, President, Ackert Inc. The Legal Sales & Service Organization’s 2018 RainDance Conference kicked off with a working session focused on navigating a pitch meeting and closing business. David Ackert, President of Ackert, Inc., stressed that “close” in the context of an institutional pitch, rarely translates into a buying decision in the meeting, but […]

Overcoming the Fear of Specialization to Increase Firm Revenue

Many attorneys and law firms continue to have FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) when it comes to specializing in one or two practice areas. Law firms answer every RFP because they fear if they don’t, they’re losing out on business. We addressed this topic in our Marketing Partner Forum recap “FOMO Is Killing Your Firm’s […]

7 Tips to Maximize Your Time at a Conference

Conferences and trade shows pack a one-two punch of marketing and networking opportunities. These industry events are places to learn about the latest trends, catch up with colleagues and get your business card in the hands of potential clients. There’s a lot you can accomplish, so it’s important to have a strategy to make the […]

Dust Off Your Marketing Plan: 6 Steps to Accomplish Your Goals by Year-End

The second half of the year seems to fly by faster than the first, and January will be here before you know it. With six months left in 2018, it’s an ideal time to revisit your marketing wish list from the beginning of the year. Are you on track to accomplish everything by December 31, […]

Making the Leap: In-House to Agency Public Relations

There’s a stigma attached to public relations agencies. I was given the impression that, regardless of the type of clients, large agencies churn and burn their young talent (leading to most fading out and few rising), and that boutique agencies lay off their newest talent in the event that they lose one to two key […]

Want to Be a Happy Lawyer? Achieving Happiness Has More Science Behind It Than You Think

This year’s Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference in New Orleans was held during an important event in the city’s history – its tri-centennial birthday. The city was buzzing.  Hundreds of legal marketers came together to tackle many of the reoccurring challenges law firms of all sizes are facing in today’s ever-evolving landscape, and the Big […]

6 Ways to Better Communicate with Clients

Clients hire lawyers for their legal expertise, but they stick with them because of their quality of service. A large part of that perceived quality depends on your ability to communicate effectively with clients. Communication is just as important as your “real” work. You could even argue that communication is more important because if you […]