What Does Your Website Say About Your Firm? Lessons from My Trip to Munich
Recently, I was planning a trip to Munich. During the trip, I wanted to visit a few law firms to learn about their marketing and business development, so I researched firms online. However, I didn’t select firms to visit based on the information I read. Instead, I did an experiment: I intentionally looked at each […]
Blog/Podcast: 5 Ways to Embrace Business Development at Your Law Firm
Most lawyers have gotten the hang of marketing, or at least appreciate its importance. Fewer attorneys, however, understand that marketing alone isn’t enough to make the phone ring. Marketing and business development go hand-in-hand and they need to be employed in combination to ensure your success. Jon Mattson, Director of Business Development at BakerHostetler, says that […]
Blog/Podcast: Lawyers Resistant to Online Marketing Are Falling Behind the Competition. You Don’t Have to Be One of Them!
You don’t need to become a super marketer to get your fair share of business; you just need to be enthusiastic and consistent. Attorney Barry Goldberg was a guest on the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast, where he shared his successful strategies and philosophies for marketing yourself online. Tip #1: Make Sure You Have […]
The Five “Laws” for a Successful Website Redesign
Most law firms update or redesign their website every three to five years, with good reason. In a similar way that fashion evolves, website design is certainly subjected to trends. From the earliest websites, which often had dozens of links and tags along with endless text, to the phase when every website seemed to have […]
Blog/Podcast: How Lawyers Can Make Business Development Less Cringe-Worthy and More Effective
Some in the legal industry believe that litigators are better rainmakers than non-litigators – but are they? According to Craig Brown of Law Vision Group, a master at teaching lawyers how to hone their ability to attract business, the answer is “No.” In a recent episode of the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst Podcast, Craig points […]
Blog/Podcast: Want More Clients? Ramp Up Your Online Marketing
Lawyers who want more clients (and who doesn’t!), can’t afford to NOT market online. While the process of making a firm more visible online is challenging, complicated and technical, fortunately, you don’t have to go it alone. In fact, lawyers probably shouldn’t go it alone as it isn’t financially worthwhile to do so; the opportunity […]
The Attorney/Marketer Relationship Is Better Than Ever – Here’s Why
Lawyers and marketing professionals don’t always see eye to eye. Thankfully, this seems to be changing. According to a recent study from the Legal Marketing Association and Bloomberg Law, both marketers and attorneys agree that their relationship has improved over the last two years, characterizing it as “respectful, collaborative, supportive and collegial.” Why the improvement? […]
Blog/Podcast: Want to Get Hired by In-House Counsel? Here’s How.
As outside counsel, how many times have you asked yourself: how can I get noticed by in-house counsel when I’m not part of a preferred provider network? Business development can be tough, especially when trying to break into a seemingly impenetrable environment. But as Jaimala Pai, Principal Legal Counsel at Medtronic, shared on the Law […]
Where Smart Legal Marketers Are Investing Their Money
Good news: law firm marketing and business development budgets are growing. According to the Legal Marketing Association and Bloomberg Law’s survey, “Where Are We Now? Revealing the Latest Trends in Legal Marketing and Business Development,” 63 percent of firms say they anticipate increasing their marketing/business development budget over the next two years. Law firms are […]
Blog/Podcast: Successful Women Lawyers Play to Their Strengths. You Can Too.
Negotiating the politics and obstacles of being a woman in what has been a male-dominated profession can be challenging. In our recent Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast, employment law attorney Olivia Goodkin shared her experience navigating the legal profession as a woman as well as lessons for all young lawyers starting out today. […]