How Different Generations Consume News and the Impact on Marketing Strategies

Americans have a strong appetite for news consumption, but how and when how they get their news varies greatly across generations. Understanding how different age groups seek out news can be beneficial for professional service firms looking to get in front of new markets or stay engaged with a particular audience. We have analyzed the […]
What to Know Before Rebranding Your Firm

If you’re reading this, it means our team survived The Great Berbay Rebrand of 2023 – a complete redesign of our logo and website. Now that we made it to the other side, we decided to share all the lessons we learned along the way. So, if you’re considering biting the bullet and redesigning your […]
How to Effectively Use AI, Tracking, Social Media Algorithms and Other Technology in Your Marketing

With changing social media algorithms and the proliferation of AI, it can often feel like advances in technology are endless. Keeping on top of these ever-changing shifts can be tiresome, which is why we are here to help. Here are a few technologies you should consider in your marketing efforts. Artificial intelligence is the future, […]
Imposter Syndrome? Fear of Being an Expert? Speaking to the Media Can Be Scary, But You Can Overcome It

Talking with members of the press can be nerve-racking and intimidating, even for the most seasoned professionals. This fear comes in different forms – fear of being an expert, imposter syndrome, fear of being misquoted, etc. – all very common reactions when speaking with the press. Luckily, no matter how your fear manifests itself, we’ve […]
Legal Foresight: What Law Firms Should Do to Prepare for the Future, Prevent Crises and Be Strategic

Over the past two years, we witnessed a convergence of crises: the COVID pandemic, globalization, technological advancements, climate change and major societal shifts – all of which have had a profound impact on the legal industry. The firms that weathered the storm are now wiser and know that preparedness and legal foresight are key. What […]
Seven Public Relations Trends for 2023: AI, Video Content, Personalized Pitching, Multimedia and More

In a professional service firm’s marketing toolbox, public relations is a Swiss Army knife. Not only can public relations be used to raise your firm profile and bring in new clients, it can attract talent, build firm culture and morale, provide an opportunity for your team to cross-market, and much more. Knowing the basics is […]
The Media Industry is Rapidly Evolving – Here’s What It Means for Your Public Relations Efforts

There is a sense of doom in the media industry as outlets such as CNN, BuzzFeed, Gannett and VICE announce layoffs, bankruptcy, or completely shutter divisions or entire outlets. For those in public relations, we know this has been an ongoing issue even before COVID left its mark, so it’s not necessarily a time to […]
A Sea of Nominations: How to Decide Which Awards Are Reputable in This New Era of Award Saturation

With new professional services awards and nominations popping up all the time, it’s increasingly difficult to know what’s worthwhile and what’s a waste of time. Los Angeles Times, which used to run one annual business award, now runs at least five each year. By our count, National Law Journal has upwards of 17 lists for […]
LinkedIn Is Making Changes – 5 Features You Need to Know About

LinkedIn has announced several new platform updates for 2023, which could aid in your social media marketing, recruiting and more. We’ve outlined the most beneficial features for professional services firms below, and how you can leverage each for your business. Video Accessibility The change: Following the lead of other social platforms, such as Instagram and […]
How to Create an Email Newsletter People Actually Read

We are firm believers in the power of email newsletters. The benefits are innumerable – it keeps you top of mind among your network, positions you as a thought leader, drives people to your website and more. However, most people make the mistake of assuming everyone on your list opens your newsletter and cares about […]