Blog/Podcast: How Law Firm Marketers Can Best Communicate with Attorney Clients

More often than not, legal marketers do not hold a J.D. or have a license to practice law. While you don’t need to be a lawyer to successfully market a practice, this gap can create some reluctance or resistance from attorney clients when suggesting new marketing initiatives. Sheenika Gandhi, Director of Marketing & Business Development […]

Blog/Podcast: Want to Earn Business from In-House Counsel? Consider These 4 Rules

If you’re a law firm seeking more lucrative commercial clients, this usually requires winning over in-house counsel first — a competitive and sometimes challenging process. Matt Nolan, Vice President and General Counsel of Ancra Group and Director of The Heico Companies’ Global Compliance, shared insight into the mind of in-house counsel on the Law Firm […]

7 Strategic Ways to Step Up Your Media Relations Game

Journalists are really outnumbered. There are far fewer reporters today than there were 15 years ago. In fact, some estimate that 50 percent of newsroom jobs have been eliminated. Meanwhile, the public relations industry has grown so much that there are now six PR pros for every media professional. At any given moment, thousands of […]

Blog/Podcast: What a Former Stand-Up Comic Can Teach Lawyers About Business Development

Generally, lawyers don’t like the idea of selling their services, and many firms are hesitant to hire sales executives (or at least put “sales” in their title). But you don’t need to shy away from sales. Brenda Pontiff, Director of Marketing and Business Development at the Los Angeles-based appellate firm Horvitz & Levy, has spent […]

Blog/Podcast: Legal Marketers: Overcome Lawyer Skepticism with These 5 Steps

Marketers and lawyers may come from different worlds, but there’s no reason they can’t work together successfully – all it takes is a little understanding. Greg Fleischmann, chief marketing officer at Lowenstein Sandler in New York, has spent 20 years advising and working with lawyers, both in-house and as a consultant. He shared some of […]

Blog/Podcast: Five Business Development Trends Pros Need to Know

Marketing and business development departments haven’t always had an easy relationship with law firm leaders. But according to a recent survey from the Legal Sales and Service Organization (LSSO), about half of marketing and business development professionals now report that they have external-facing roles — a sign that they’re finally being seen as a trusted […]

Tell Stories to Market Your Legal Services – Here’s How

Many marketing experts believe that storytelling is the foundation of a strong marketing strategy, and for good reason. As anyone who has read a book, watched a movie or otherwise experienced a story knows, stories evoke emotions and help people understand each other. They remind us that we are all part of the human experience […]

Blog/Podcast: Why Putting Videos on Your Law Firm Website Is Worth the Investment

In a recent survey, 80 percent of marketers agreed that when they added video to their website, it increased the amount of time visitors spent on the site. Clearly, video can have huge benefits when it comes to converting potential clients. There is one caveat: if you’re going to invest in video, professional filmmaker Richard […]

Meeting with a Prospective Client? Inspire Trust in the Blink of an Eye

Studies show that it takes just milliseconds to form an initial impression about another person. Silent signals of nonverbal communication are sent and received before the first words between two people are ever spoken. The facial expressions people make and how they walk, stand, sit and even hold their heads can influence other peoples’ perceptions […]