Blog/Podcast: Creating a Sales Department? 6 Things to Consider

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Many law firms are realizing the benefits of having a dedicated sales function, but before they can reap those benefits, there are potential challenges that firms need to take into consideration first. Steve Bell, “the Neil Armstrong of law firm sales,” is familiar with these challenges, having been one of the first-ever law firm sales […]

5 Steps to Turn Millennial Lawyers into Marketing Mavens

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Marketing and business development are critical for young lawyers to reach the next level in their careers, but they don’t always come easy. Neither are typically taught in law school, and with hefty billable hour requirements, it can be tough for new associates to find time for everything. According to “A Booming Force in Law: […]

5 Ways Attorneys Can Turn Existing Clients into Referral Sources

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The best compliment that any law firm can receive is a referral from a satisfied client. It’s also the most cost-effective way to procure new business. After all, there’s no advertising or marketing expenditure necessary when a happy client chooses to tell someone else what a great job your law firm has done for them. […]

5 Myths That Are Hurting Millennial Lawyers — And the Law Firms They Work For

Whether it’s for spending too much money on avocado toast or for “killing off” yet another industry, millennials are in the news all the time. While millennials make headlines daily, this generation is still consistently misunderstood. The 2018 LMA Southwest Regional Conference broke down millennial lawyer stereotypes in the session “Turning Millennial Lawyers into Marketing […]

Blog/Podcast: How to Become a Trusted Advisor — and Keep the Trust Once You Have It

Lawyers and legal marketers both have the same goal: to become trusted advisors to their clients (including in-house “clients”). But how, exactly, do you take on that role? Jan Anne Dubin, CEO and Founder of Jan Anne Dubin Consulting, has spent 35 years working with professional services firms, so she’s well-versed in the advisor-client relationship. […]

7 Ways to Capture Clients with Your Law Firm Blog

Law firms should consider publishing a blog for numerous reasons. First, a blog provides information and education to potential clients about topics relevant to their searches and your law firm. Moreover, HubSpot says that companies that blog get 97% more backlinks to their websites than those that don’t blog, which increases the page’s rank on […]

Blog/Podcast: Want Business Development Buy-In? Take a Note from the Big Four

Looking for a marketing and business development refresh? You might find inspiration from another area of the professional services world, that is, accounting firms. Doug Ott, head of Doug Ott Consulting, is an executive coach, trainer and speaker who’s worked with lawyers and CPAs for 30 years. From his perspective, accounting firms have truly embraced […]

Blog/Podcast: Secrets for Success from a Journalist Turned Legal Marketer

Every legal marketer has their own best practices and approach to the job — and that’s a beautiful thing, because we can all learn from each other. Jennifer Mir, a recent guest on the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast, discussed her own approach as Practice Development Director at Munger, Tolles and Olson. She and host […]

4 Ways Your Marketing Agency Can Foster Great Ideas

We tend to associate creativity with the poets, musicians and artists of the world. We think of it as something innate (e.g., a painter is creative, an accountant is not). The fact is, though, that everyone has the capacity for creativity. Being creative is not an inborn talent, or something that only comes in flashes […]