Blog/Podcast: How to Decide if a Network Is Right for Your Firm

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Law firm networks offer a wealth of opportunity, but is joining one right for your firm? Lindsay Griffiths, Director of Global Relationship Management for International Lawyers Network, joined the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast to take a deep dive into this topic. She talked about how firms should choose a network, the benefits they offer […]

Blog/Podcast: Set Yourself Up for Success When Finding a New Niche

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Once you’re established in your career, it can be difficult to shift focus and move into one specialty. But finding a niche is possible and it can open up a whole new world of clients. Donald Snyder, CPA and partner with accounting and consulting firm Green Hasson Janks, successfully repositioned himself to become an expert […]

Blog/Podcast: Why Law Firm Branding Starts with the Client Experience

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The importance of law firm branding has been drilled into every legal marketer and managing partner’s head, but what does successful branding really look like? Lisa Simon, Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer at Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie, has learned a lot about successful branding during her career. She joined the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst […]

4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Becoming a Specialist

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In 2017, I wrote about being a specialist versus a generalist and the pros and cons of marketing yourself as either. Recently, Corporate Counsel reporters Scott Flaherty and Phillip Bantz declared that we’re entering the age of the specialist. Obviously, specialists have always existed, but now we’re seeing “superspecialists” who are experts in increasingly niche […]

Blog/Podcast: Become a Master of Metrics with These Best Practices

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Legal marketers can’t just throw ideas at the wall and hope they stick. To be successful, marketing initiatives need to be implemented thoughtfully. Every marketer has their own processes when it comes to metrics and budgeting, but there are always new tips and tricks to learn. On the latest episode of the Law Firm Marketing […]

Blog/Podcast: 6 Things Great Law Firm Partners Do to Retain Associates

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Close to half of associates leave their first firm after just three years – according to the National Association for Law Placement Foundation. Lawyer turnover is at an all-time high, especially among newer associates. Courtney Puritsky has the rare distinction of remaining at one law firm for her entire legal career. She joined Grodsky & […]

How to Implement a Video Marketing Strategy — and Why You Need One

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Studies show that of all the various platforms used by law firms for marketing purposes, the modality most likely to grow in popularity is video marketing. In fact, one study conducted by Cisco predicts that by 2021, more than 80% of consumer internet traffic will be video. Likewise, it’s important to note that mobile usage […]

4 Ways to Attract Millennial Talent (and Keep Them)

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In the legal industry, like most industries, there’s an unfortunate misconception that millennials have a lack of initiative or work ethic. But studies have shown that’s not the case — millennials just have different priorities and career goals than the generations before them. Much of the friction between baby boomer partners and millennial associates could […]