There’s Riches in Niches: Finding New Opportunities to Differentiate Your Firm

Every firm needs a niche. But sometimes, it’s not about identifying your specialty—it’s about creating it. There are millions of new opportunities out there if only you can find them. Seizing these opportunities may mean being brave enough to start a new practice area or explore an industry that hasn’t been fully defined. There’s no […]
Blog/Podcast: You CAN Become a Rainmaker—Here’s How

Selling doesn’t always come naturally to lawyers, but with the help of a business development coach, anyone can learn to master it. At least that’s Larry Kohn’s philosophy—and he would know. Larry has conducted more than 33,000 coaching sessions at more than 1,000 law firms since founding Kohn Communications in 1983. Larry joined the Law […]
Blog/Podcast: What Exactly Does a Chief Client Officer Do? Insights from One of the Industry’s Top Executives

Client-facing sales professionals are catching on in the legal industry, but there’s still an air of mystery around what they do and how they help firms grow. Catherine Zinn, Chief Client Officer with Orrick, joined the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast to talk about the qualities that make for a good market-facing salesperson, the industry […]
Blog/Podcast: What’s Next for Chambers and Partners? Even More Useful Data for Lawyers

Chambers and Partners has been the leading legal ranking service since 1990, and with the management buy-in of CEO Mark Wyatt, there are even more exciting things on the horizon for the company and its users. Mark, one of the most experienced legal information providers in the world, joined the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast […]
Blog/Podcast: Planning a Conference? Take Notes from This Year’s Legal Marketing Association Co-Chairs

This year’s Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference, held from April 8-10, in Atlanta, was packed with new information and fresh ideas, and the success of the conference was due largely to the work of its co-chairs, Erin Corbin Meszaros and Andrew Laver. They joined the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast to talk about takeaways from […]
Blog/Podcast: Four Truths About Creating Law Firm Culture Change

Change is hard—and perhaps it’s hardest at law firms, where lawyers have historically been taught the billable hour reigns as king. Unfortunately, this has created a focus on personal production and competition with peers for business, rather than one of collaboration and entrepreneurialism. David Freeman, a law firm advisor and founder of Law Firm CultureShift, […]
Blog/Podcast: Become a Better Legal Marketer with These 5 Techniques

Being a legal marketer means constantly proving your value and finding creative ways to expand your firm’s reputation. It’s not an easy job and there’s always room for improvement. In her role as Marketing Director at Ireland, Stapleton, Pryor & Pascoe, Jessica Jaramillo works with attorneys to develop practical and achievable marketing plans. During her […]
Blog/Podcast: 4 Ways to Get on In-House Counsel’s Radar

Corporate business is the holy grail for many lawyers in private practice, but getting the attention of in-house counsel can seem as difficult as finding the actual holy grail. However, according to Invenergy LLC Deputy General Counsel, Tyrone Thomas, it’s not impossible with the right marketing and networking strategies. He joined the Law Firm Marketing […]
Blog/Podcast: Want to Switch to a Different Practice Area? 4 Ways to Make It Happen

For all the different areas of law out there, it’s rare for a lawyer to practice in more than one or two in the course of their career. It’s even rarer to switch from one end of the legal spectrum to another. But that’s exactly what attorney Morghan Richardson did when she moved from corporate […]
The Media’s Impact on High-Profile Litigation: 12 Insights from the Pros

High-stakes litigation plays out in the media as much as it does in the courtroom. Celebrity and high-profile trials can create a media frenzy, or if used correctly can influence the litigation and public opinion positively. I recently attended “In the Hot Seat: The Media’s Impact on High Profile Litigation,” a forum hosted by the […]