Blog/Podcast: 9 Ways to Execute an Effective Press Conference

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Press conferences are a powerful media relations tool, but they need to be employed strategically. Proper planning will ensure that your message gets across in the way you want. Berbay Principal Megan Braverman has facilitated many press conferences. She joined the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast, where she spoke about press conference best practices and […]

Four Ways to Tell a Compelling Story About Your Law Firm

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There are two traits that all humans share: we’re wired to look for patterns and we love stories. When we see separate pieces of information, we have a tendency to connect them and identify the hero, the antagonist and the underlying plot. What does this have to do with your firm’s marketing? Virtually everything. If […]

Blog/Podcast: How to Support Nonprofits and Boost Your Business Development

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When lawyers pair up with charitable causes, everyone wins: nonprofits get much-needed support and lawyers get both personal and professional benefits. As a former lawyer and current president of the nonprofit consulting firm Benevolent Vision, Ranlyn Hill has a firsthand understanding of the role that nonprofits can play in a law firm’s business development. She […]

Infographic: 7 Ways to Capture Clients with Your Law Firm Blog

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A blog is an excellent marketing tool for lawyers; however, it may be all for nothing if you’re not capturing the attention of clients and prospects with it. Here are seven steps to take to ensure that your law firm blog is accomplishing its objective of increasing visibility and securing new business.

Dispelling 5 Law Firm Website Marketing Myths

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When it comes to your law firm’s website, you only get one chance to make a first impression. That’s why it is so important to avoid falling victim to common myths about law firm websites.  Here’s a look at some of the most pervasive website marketing myths and the truth about them. Myth: I Don’t […]

6 Truths About Social Media Marketing for Your Law Firm

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Year after year, law firm marketing myths persist, particularly when it comes to social media. If you’ve been hesitant to set up a profile for any number of reasons, below are a few social myths debunked that may encourage you to take the next step. Myth 1: My Firm Doesn’t Need to Be on Social […]

Blog/Podcast: Maximum Marketing on Minimal Budget

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Everything would be a lot easier if we all had unlimited budgets, but sometimes more money isn’t in the cards and we need to work with what we have. Silvia Coulter, co-founding Principal of LawVision, specializes in working with lawyers to build their books of business, and she’s worked with many firms to implement successful […]

How Plaintiff Firms Can Make Names for Themselves in a Crowded Landscape

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The competitive landscape for plaintiff lawyers is perhaps more challenging than any other area of law. The market seems to get more crowded every day, and the fight for clients is fierce. Moreover, plaintiff lawyers often have to overcome the unsavory, ambulance-chasing reputation inaccurately associated with this practice. With all of these obstacles, establishing your […]