6 Factors Changing the Landscape of Journalism (and One Thing That Will Stay the Same)

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Journalism has changed dramatically in the last decade, perhaps more than any other industry. That means that we as PR pros have to change our approach, too. To successfully pitch stories in this evolving environment, we have to understand exactly what today’s journalists are facing. Naturally, the best way to gain insight into the life […]

Blog/Podcast: Three Ways to Build Better Relationships with In-House Counsel

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As Senior Director of Global Legal Operations at Mylan, Kristi Gedid has managed numerous relationships with outside counsel. She joined the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast to talk about how law firms can develop strong business relationships with in-house counsel and the value of the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC). Communicate meaningfully. Communication is by […]

Finally Got a Seat at the Table? Here’s How to Keep It

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Increasingly more, public relations is being recognized as the essential business function it is. If you’re a PR pro who’s earned a coveted seat at the table, congratulations! Now, how do you keep your position of influence? Once you have the ear of management, you can’t rest on your laurels. You have to consistently educate […]

Blog/Podcast: Shifting into Sales: How Marketers Can Take on Client-Facing Roles

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In-house legal marketers have become commonplace in law firms, but hiring client-facing sales staff has taken longer to catch on. That may be changing, though, as more firms realize they must operate like businesses and more marketers shift into client-facing roles. Jenna Schiappacasse is one such marketer—she successfully transitioned from Marketing Coordinator to Director of […]

It All Matters in Law Firm Marketing: Choosing the Right Font

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Disney. Coca-Cola. Instagram. These iconic brands share one thing in common—their names are instantly recognizable by their brand’s font. Without the need for additional graphics or designs, these global brands have imprinted their mark on consumers through their typography. By contrast, consider the proverbial “fine print” in contracts and policies, on consumer products and more. […]

Blog/Podcast: 9 Ways to Execute an Effective Press Conference

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Press conferences are a powerful media relations tool, but they need to be employed strategically. Proper planning will ensure that your message gets across in the way you want. Berbay Principal Megan Braverman has facilitated many press conferences. She joined the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast, where she spoke about press conference best practices and […]

Four Ways to Tell a Compelling Story About Your Law Firm

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There are two traits that all humans share: we’re wired to look for patterns and we love stories. When we see separate pieces of information, we have a tendency to connect them and identify the hero, the antagonist and the underlying plot. What does this have to do with your firm’s marketing? Virtually everything. If […]

Blog/Podcast: How to Support Nonprofits and Boost Your Business Development

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When lawyers pair up with charitable causes, everyone wins: nonprofits get much-needed support and lawyers get both personal and professional benefits. As a former lawyer and current president of the nonprofit consulting firm Benevolent Vision, Ranlyn Hill has a firsthand understanding of the role that nonprofits can play in a law firm’s business development. She […]

Infographic: 7 Ways to Capture Clients with Your Law Firm Blog

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A blog is an excellent marketing tool for lawyers; however, it may be all for nothing if you’re not capturing the attention of clients and prospects with it. Here are seven steps to take to ensure that your law firm blog is accomplishing its objective of increasing visibility and securing new business.