Infographic: 6 Truths About Your Law Firm’s Social Media

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Despite social media’s continued growth and popularity as a marketing strategy in a range of industries, many law firms remain skeptical about its value in business development. If you haven’t tested the social media waters, you may be overlooking a powerful tool to connect with and educate prospects, and ultimately, bring in new business. Read […]

Blog/Podcast: How Data-Driven Marketing Can Help Your Firm Break Down Silos

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If marketing is a numbers game, wouldn’t it be helpful to have the ability to slice and dice the numbers however you want? According to Adam Stock, that’s what data-driven marketing can do for your firm. Known as a legal marketing technology pioneer (he founded the Legal Marketing Technology Conference, after all), Adam recently joined […]

On-Demand Creativity: Five Ways to Foster It in Your Law Firm

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Lawyers aren’t necessarily thought of as those who practice in a “creative” profession. At least not in the same way that artists, writers, musicians or marketing professionals are deemed “creatives.” However, lawyers and those who support them know that nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the practice of law demands creativity in […]

Blog/Podcast: Consider This Before Responding to Your Next RFP

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Once reserved for large law firms, requests for proposals (RFPs) are now common at firms of all sizes. Their ubiquity, however, doesn’t make the process of issuing and responding to RFPs any easier or less time-consuming. That’s why Matthew Prinn founded RFP Advisory Group, a consulting firm that advises corporate counsel and law firms on […]

Blog/Podcast: Four Ways to Sharpen Your Firm’s Client-Facing Business Development

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Orrick is known for leading the charge in client-facing business development, and Neel Lilani, Managing Director of the firm’s global corporate development efforts for technology companies, is part of the reason why. He consults with tech companies on business strategy and manages Orrick’s venture capital relationships, in addition to his pioneering work in business development. […]

Blog/Podcast: 9 Ways to Make Your Firm’s Next Event More Environmentally Friendly with Just as Much Impact

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Everyone loves a party. Unfortunately, large events often mean wasted food, disposable decorations and garbage bags full of cups and plates. Not much to love about that. It doesn’t have to be this way, however. Deborah Kattler Kupetz, founder of dkkevents and, specializes in “green” event planning that combines style with environmental responsibility. She’s […]

Blog/Podcast: How One Business Development Manager Gets Her Job Done

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Every law firm is different, but all legal business development professionals can learn from each other’s best practices. Erika LaCerda, former lawyer and business development manager at Warner Norcross + Judd, shared her top six strategies on the latest episode of the Law Firm Marketing Catalyst podcast.   Use subtle clues from clients. Thanks to […]