Blog/Podcast: 6 Trends Impacting How Legal Procurement Departments Choose Law Firms

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Legal procurement departments at corporations are a fairly new trend, but they’re not just a fad: legal procurement is here to stay (and continuing to grow). Despite the bad rap that it sometimes gets among law firms, legal procurement has its benefits, and understanding how procurement professionals choose law firms can shed light on how […]

Blog/Podcast: 4 Ways Law Students Are Embracing Innovation & Technology—And Why Law Firms Should Be Paying Attention

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The practice of law is changing, and law schools are changing with it. Schools are increasingly incorporating technology and innovation into their curriculum, with Suffolk University being a leading example. Gabriel Teninbaum, professor of legal writing and director of Suffolk’s Institute on Legal Innovation and Technology, takes great care to ensure that his students are […]

It’s Not All About “Likes”: A Guide to Social Media Metrics for Your Firm

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Take the time to understand which social media metrics actually matter to prevent yourself from falling into the trap of thinking that a lot of “likes” means you’re making the most of your social media efforts. Here are six key metrics and how you can use them as a guide to develop content and measure […]

Preparing a Winning Strategy—4 Steps to a Successful Press Conference

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Holding a press conference can be a powerful and effective way to generate media coverage for firm news such as a lawsuit or verdict/settlement. However, hosting press conferences is its own beast and needs to be treated as such. While there are dozens of factors and strategies that go into making a press conference successful, […]

5 Ways Bylined Articles Contribute to Effective PR for Lawyers

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Bylined articles, wherein an attorney authors an article for a publication, can be incredibly valuable to your law firm’s PR efforts. Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities for placing bylined articles as a “guest author” in industry magazines and on websites. But why are these articles so valuable and, moreover, why would an attorney want […]

Redefining Public Relations: Streamlining the Scope of PR for the 21st Century

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At the recent 2019 International Public Relations Association (IPRA) board meeting, a new definition of public relations was adopted after many members reportedly said that the old definition was dated and lengthy. Agreeing that it was time to update it, the new definition is aimed to fit three guidelines: Embrace brevity (the new definition is […]

Blog/Podcast: Watch Your Practice Grow with These 4 Marketing Dos and Don’ts

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Many believe that if you change your mindset, everything else changes. Therefore, it stands to reason, the best way to improve your marketing strategy is to change the way you think about it. Kimberly Rice, president and chief strategist at KLA Marketing Associates, helps lawyers develop their “marketing mindset” and make their practices more prosperous. […]