Blog/Podcast: What Small Law Firms Are Getting Right About Diversity and Inclusion

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Cultural changes have impacted law firms significantly over the last few decades, shaping practice areas, billing systems and the business of law. Another area that has had significant implications for law firms and their clients in recent years: diversity and inclusion. Valerie Fontaine, partner at legal consulting firm SeltzerFontaine, has been placing lawyers at leading […]

How to Find Work-Life Balance at Every Stage of Your Career

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We all have different schedules, commitments and professional goals, but there’s one thing we all have in common: the constant struggle of finding work-life balance. Figuring out the right ratio of work to play takes time and experimentation, but it’s the most important thing we can do to lead happy lives. In the legal field […]

How to care about work when the world is ending

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In the face of a global pandemic and a pending apocalypse, how can anyone go back to the mundanity of everyday life while others are suffering so greatly? There is no shortage of chaos in our periphery. Although corruption and war and disease and disorder have plagued every inch of the planet since what seems […]

Nailing Your Next Media Interview – Dos and Don’ts for Success

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Media coverage can be a boon to law firms in terms of elevating exposure and building credibility. Being quoted or profiled in the media can introduce your attorneys and firm to audiences who may be unfamiliar with your particular expertise. Likewise, providing an interview with the media can reinforce to existing clients and referral sources […]

Developing a Next-Level PR Strategy: 4 Takeaways from the Inaugural NABJLA Media Summit

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Last year, the Los Angeles chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJLA) held its inaugural Media Summit, and the event proved to be an invaluable opportunity to learn, engage, network and brainstorm with journalists and fellow public relations professionals. The breakout sessions were held at USC’s Wallis Annenberg Hall and focused on both […]

6 Ways to Maximize the Reach of Your Webinar & Track ROI

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Hosting a webinar is an excellent PR tactic for lawyers, but there’s one major drawback: the time it takes to watch them. No matter how much information you pack into your webinar or how much you promote it, the fact of the matter is that not everyone in your target audience will have time to […]

National vs. Local Media Coverage: What’s Better for Your Law Firm PR Campaign?

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Most law firm public relations strategies are founded on media coverage, but what type of press is best? With so many TV stations, newspapers, trade publications, magazines and other outlets to choose from—all ranging from local to national—it can be hard to determine where to focus your efforts to see the greatest ROI. The truth […]