Many people think of themselves as social media masters, but without learning about the latest social media trends, no one can hold onto that title for long — simply because social media changes so fast. Sure, the principle of creating quality content is always the same. But there’s no telling what the social media landscape will look like five years from now, or even next year.
True social media masters dedicate time to educating themselves and embracing innovation. That doesn’t just mean learning about new platforms; it also means relearning the ins and outs of old ones. Social media apps and algorithms are always changing and adding features. The companies that use social media successfully understand that they need to adapt to changes. This might include adjusting their post content and frequency when necessary.
So what social media trends should you be on the lookout for? Here’s a briefing on three that you’re sure to see well beyond 2016.
- Live streaming on every platform: From Periscope to Meerkat to Facebook’s new Live feature, it seems as though every platform is integrating live video. It has caught on seemingly overnight, and companies are still figuring out how to use it effectively — which is what makes it so exciting. If you have something happening that’s worth streaming, live video might be a worthy experiment to try.
- Mobile matters: Last year, more people searched Google on mobile devices than desktop computers. If you’re not including mobile in your marketing strategy, you’re a century behind in social media years. Smartphones should be a central part of any marketing campaign.
- Snapchat and real-time engagement: Snapchat is quickly becoming the platform of choice for young people. It allows users to get a behind-the-scenes, real-time look at their favorite brands and celebrities. Although you may not be targeting millennials, Snapchat offers an important lesson in social media strategy: Followers of any age love to feel privileged and in the know.